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"NO Thanks for the LATE NOTICE! Summer Custody Schedule

happy mom's picture

so bm finally tells us the custody schedule for summer. without even asking if the schedule is ok w/us....just tells us. 2 weeks w/us and then she goes to vegas for 2 1/2 weeks. we are suppose to split the summer equally and so far it looks like it's not divided equally. no thanks to the short notice, now we have to figure out what to do w/ss while we are working...most of the summer programs are full. bm is the most irritating person in the whole world and i just can't stand her!


Dawn-Moderator's picture

That really stinks! It would have been nice to be able to make plans for ss for the time when he is with you. I feel your pain! We used to be subjected to that very thing. However, we got the schedule modified and now it says that she gets ss for the first two weeks in June and the last two weeks of July. We plan around that. It is soooo much nicer that way.

Hang in there.


Softball Mom's picture

Tell her that won't be good for you, and you won't be able to have him during your work time. Why would you let her dictate your schedule any how?

Caitlin's picture

You could be stuck with never getting any extended time WITH the child because the BM denies visits and refuses to even discuss the IDEA of anything beyond the EOW schedule. Our hearts are broken year after year when BM keeps SD away for every holiday, every school vacation, every special occasion. It's just awful. She misses out on so much with us and we miss her dearly.

P.S. I am NOT in any way minimizing what you guys are going through, because I know that's tough too! I know you need a break from raising someone else's children. I know it's really shitty to be *told* last minute when you'll be seeing the skids with no discussion and mutual agreement and then you have to scramble to make arrangements for their care. It just sucks either way!