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Maybe I am the EVIL SM??

hangingbyathread6's picture

As the sun came up on this new day, I was still grinning from the events of last night (see previous blog) and as I'm sitting here drinking my coffee, I'm still grinning...almost smirking actually.

I'm starting to think maybe I really AM the evil SM. I'm normally a very nice, friendly, outgoing person. What you see is what you get. I am fair to everyone, although once you fuck me over, you most likely won't get another chance with me and you'll be well aware of how I feel about you.

So as these little things keep happening, and life continues forward and I just know BM and MIL are wondering what's going on, and trying to get info and can't understand why MIL only gets VM and BM keeps get shut down, and they see and hear about all the good in DH and my life, I know it's driving them CRAZY. And I am enjoying every minute of it.

I'm enjoying watching my DH gain a little more strength every day. I'm enjoying the anticipation of when the "light bulb" flicks on and he gets just how toxic they both are. I imagine (and grin while doing so) DH telling MIL she no longer will speak to him that way, she will no longer speak about his wife that way, etc. The things I can kind of see coming. I just hope I don't get too impatient for them to arrive!

But I find myself grinning and smirking thinking about BM and MIL being frustrated with DH and I getting stronger and closer each day. I giggle when I hear that friends gush about my DH and I and how things are going so smoothly lately and we seem happier than ever, in front of or to MIL or it gets back to BM. Maybe that does make me kinda evil. I may be enjoying it a little too much....


zerostepdrama's picture

I dont think most women go into marriages with skids "evil". But I can bet that a lot do turn "evil" over time.

It's the nature of being a step parent. For the most part there is so much drama, baggage, stress, that over time it changes a person. Some for the good, some for bad, some a little of both.

The_Atheist's picture

Amen! I went into my relationship wanting to love his kids and be as friendly as the awkwardness would allow with BM. After four years of being treated like shit by BM and her daughters I am DONE.

I always thought I was a forgiving person who bounced back easily, but this drama changed that. I have no desire to ever see any of them and I don't think I could be civil. There is only so many times you can smack a dog before it tears your throat, and that's where I am now.

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

I feel the same !!!

I can't take the relentless drama day in and day out ! It's like this kid hated the world if you weren't on her hate train. BM why in the world were you given the blessing of procreating ~ that's a mystery to me.

I am not one of those parents that are peerents ~ 16 get a freakin job , save for a car n you will be paying for car insurance. Get kippy with me n see what happens. Oh hell no ~ I will not allow my daughter to live with her bf's family bc I decided to move in with my bf about 45 minutes away cause I couldn't wait till the school year ended. What a POS you are ??? But somehow I am the mean one cause I expected you to treat me n my home with respect n will not tolerate your shit bc you will not be an influence to my children.

hangingbyathread6's picture

Ooooh that is a good one...however, the YSS RARELY calls grandma psycho. Grandma psycho has limited interest in YSS. She has an obsession (and unhealthy at that) with OSS so the calls are only made occasionally...but I know she's just not getting how it goes right to VM but BM can text and he answers LMAO.

The alliance is due to BM loves drama as much as MIL. They both need it like air to breathe. They both hate to see DH happy and not "needing mommy" or "pining for BM". They both hate that SSs are being RAISED and they aren't doing it. They both hate me for taking DH away from them. They both hate that I won't engage with them

Tuff Noogies's picture

i hear u about the psycho MIL. smiling w/ you for a moment.

mine's that way too. the beyotch lives 10 mins from me, sees/talks to skids fairly often. i havent spoken to the two faced hag in two years.


but i do agree w/ SA. schadenfreude is enjoyable, but karma's a bitch. enjoy a little grin from time to time, but dont dwell on it too much. you know what they say, the best revenge is a life well lived.


Easylikesundaymornin's picture

This makes me so happy ~ you are not evil you are doing what is best for your family !!

He is getting stronger and stronger every day, week ! He is gaining his self esteem , self respect and finally figuring out he has an opinion and thoughts and that he should be heard. You can't force this stuff on men ~ they have to find it on there own.

I am proud of you for giving him space to find himself n believing in him.