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Somebody tell me again it's Typical cuz Im gonna effin blow!

halfstepmom2skids's picture

I hope the hell i cry, cuz if i don't im gonna hurt effin hd. SD came home with mudd all over bottom of socks...yep she can do what ever she wants and guess what, Guilty Daddy wont tell her about it cuz she will cry. So i pointed out the socks and he lets her continue through the house, through the carpet, and just say's, make sure you take them off..she says ok like all nicey and shit. Um why the hell would you let her go all through the house and not make her take them off right away.
So we go for our now usual walk and the whole time im flipping,not about the freaking socks, about him disrespecting me, our marriage, for not telling her to take them off and telling her to not play in the wet muddy grass again with shoes off. I assume they were on her boyfriends trampoline and then had a little chase each other in the grass after. Yes, i said boyfriend. I once told her she didn't need a boyfriend but she said she wanted one cuz he makes her feel comfortable. I cried, told dh, and he said nothing. Effin parent your kid you sick bastard. I know i should disengage and not care, but i am a good person and i do care. I can't handle the disrespect and i will not live this way when my kids are gone in 3 1/2 years. That is exactly what i told him on the way back from walk once i got my bearings. I will not live with someone who wont return the respect by simply making your kid follow some simple rules. Its not a big deal he said. No it aint a big effin deal, your not telling her to take them off and not do it again tomorrow night, thats is bullshit. What next. She walks around doing whatever she wants, paint all over her carpet, cuts her bangs for attention, cuts my curtains in her room, steals my hairsprays, uses my condition when i tell her not to, throws my face lotions down the drain, breaks my son's guitar, gouches the hell out of my wooden kitchen chair. All of those ended with dh and i fighting and her laughing cuz he will not yell at her or make her accountable. I can't and will not stay. I can disengage until it starts to affect me personally. So, now i sit her with my dirty sneakers on, yes on the carpet and oh effin well if you have to wash floors every day. If its no big deal buddy then wash them. Sad


halfstepmom2skids's picture

If you mean sexually abuse, i have suspected that since i have known her at age 3. I have made dh take her to fam. doctor and phychologist, no i took her to psycholist and paid for co-pays. For years she would play with herself, right in front of the boys. Not in front of us though cuz she knew it was wrong. I suspected her older brother, but he doesn't live with them anymore.
I just really think she is doing it because dh never, ever holds her accountable. He called her a bitch earlier for not speaking to him. What!!!!!

halfstepmom2skids's picture

I have tried to be her advocate by calling Children & Youth. They went to babysitters house where she was and never to BM's house. The talked to mom at babysitters, prob. cuz they didn't want to drive an hour to BM's house, and there was no outcome. My hands are tied. I beat myself up over it, became totally obsessed and to no avail. I am just the target for this child. She takes all of her anger out of me and mom and dad are her friend. I don't know what else to do. When i am nice to her and am getting along with her, WHAMMO, she can't have that cuz mom will get mad and dh acts jealous that she's not his little buddy. I am over it. I feel like i am "doing my time" cuz it feels like a sentence and im out when my 14 year goes off to college, IF i don't go crazy first.

halfstepmom2skids's picture

I am the enemy cuz "how dare i pick on her again, its not a big deal, she's just a kid, its because she is a girl" Her mother is a bar person, even on school nights. When i ask what mom said about a situation she tells me, she says her mom says "oh really". Her mom is a big time pot smoker and beer drinker. Dad has, i think, "guilty daddy syndrome"..neither does anything in her best interest and she is a monster to me. I am gonna cry now cuz i am so tired of being a punching bag while the parents look like gold, never getting upset about anything. Completely passive with everything she does.

halfstepmom2skids's picture

We did counseling and the outcome of that was i kicked him out for 6 weeks...I am now in couseling for myself. I think i need an appointment this week.

MARLA_823's picture

Yes dude needs to learn some proper parenting ASAP! I would be livid to hear anyone say that to a child! I'm guessing there's already a CPS case since BM is scared of going to jail?

halfstepmom2skids's picture

She aint afraid of nothing, picked her kids up last Thursday night at 2 am after she was at the bar to take them home. DH knows it and doesn't call bm on it at all. NOTHING. but how dare i get pissed cuz she just walked through the house with muddy socks. C&Y closed the case, nothing founded.

halfstepmom2skids's picture

She's only had 2 boyfriends, the current one wont live with her cuz she won't control sd either. They always fight, from what kids say, cuz "Shane was made that we were fighting" I'll ask what their mom did and they say she got mad at him too. My instincts tell me big brother, cuz one time when i was asking her to tell either mom if she couldn't tell me, tell a friend, a teacher, she said something like you mean if it was big brother..i convinced myself then it was him. I also caught them at ages 7 and 5 in her bedroom, her on top, under the covers, laughing. EVERYONE EFFIN IGNORED IT BUT I THREW A FIT. sick, i am embarassed to even tell this story and still be with this man. what the hell is wrong with me!

halfstepmom2skids's picture

Thanks Foxie, laughter, what i needed to bring blood pressure down a bit. I guess i don't get it yet though, disengage, but parent her when dh doesn't. I feel like a dumb ass, but i seriously need to get in a place where i am at peace.

Jouma's picture

So he doesn't discipline her, then when she, naturally of course, becomes spoiled, he calls the little girl a bitch? I hope her mom likes her. If a kid has no guidance, what can one expect them to become? Can't blame the girl.

Stpma's picture

When I want dirty shoes and socks taken off outside, I stand in front of the doorway so nobody gets in until they do it.

jojo68's picture

WOW..Your SD sounds very similiar to my BF 10 yr old daughter. Completely out of control...does whatever she wants. She also acts very immature for her age. She has a weird obsession with food....eats (or rather searches for food, puts ungodly amts on her plate and eats 1-2 bites) constantly but eats hardly anything...if that makes sense. I used to think it was because her mother left her but people who knew the situation before she was the same before she left. She is very spoiled but her problems seem to go beyond that. I dunno. If you ever need to talk...PM me anytime.