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Feeling fragile today

Georgie Girl's picture

This has been a rough week. My mom has been having some pretty serious health issues and it has taken all of my energy to make sure she has all of my support and keep it all together. Please send prayers her way. (Alicia) God knows who she is. Smile Maybe that is why I have been so overly sensitive to everything. Again, I am just not sure how to take my mil. (Thanks ladies for the input on my prior issue.) She is really a nice lady, but sometimes I wonder if she is trying to say something more and just holds back. I have decided to just ask her if it is something that really just doesn't sit with me right, but I also don't want to be hyper-sensitive to everything either. So, once again, an opinion is needed. I think I sound silly, but it bugs me all the same.
Yesterday I left work early to be with my mom. Mil was kind enough to stay later to be with my daughter so I could be with my mom. S-kids leave early that day. Bm picks up s-kids after work on Thursdays. Anyway, mil is going out of town so we were talking about picking up the kids and babysitting coverage. Maybe I am just too sensitive, but why does she have to say well that weekend is Dh's weekend. I live here too, pay half the mortgage and share responsibilty for her grandkids when they are here. Your weekend would be nice, or some other way of including both of us. And as far as the coverage for Saturday, she says well maybe you could ask bm, they are her kids. Okay. Well, we probably would have anyway. I know they are her kids. It didn't help matters much last night when Dh says well you are my only legal wife. WTF? Am I just being way too sensitive??
I have always been pretty level-headed, not jealous and pretty unaffendable, but lately I feel like such a basket-case. :sick:


holeekrap789's picture

I am soooo sorry to hear how tough this week has been for you. If these things don't normally get to you then don't let them now either. You need a great big hug, someone to tell you that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and then be able to cry your exhaustion out knowing that someone cares enough about you to hold you while you do.
Turn to your husband and tell him your exhausted and need that support....without detailing exactly why...then after things are a little more positive with your mom and you are able to take the weight off of your shoulders for a little should be feeling a lot better and brighter.
That will be the time to decide if these are addressable issues or not.
Here's hugs and understanding for you in the meantime...Lots of prayers for your mom and for you to get through this with Gods strength and comfort. Take care...we are here for you...God Bless
Lisa Dawn

Georgie Girl's picture

Lisa Dawn, thanks for your support. I know that I have just been a bit overwhelmed and sensitive lately and sometimes it is hard to separate the things that are just silly from the things that are actually something to feel concerned about. I have talked with my husband and I do have to say that he is pretty great and very supportive. I am very thankfull for this. My mom goes in for a ct scan on Wednesday. Thanks again and Happy mother's day!!