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Too funny not to share...

Gabriels Mom's picture

Okay so DH doesn't think this is funny. He was really skeeved out. Just thinking about this makes me giggle.

SS needed a sports physical to play middle school football. DH called BM last night to tell her he is coming to pick up SS to take him to get his physical at 10. Then he called to say he was on his way. He went there and honked...SS didn't come out. So DH went up to the door and he said that BM was singing, loudly. Then she said "Oh I didn't know you were coming" (Yea okay he called her to tell her he was on his way)

DH then said SS told him when BM got up she took a shower and got dressed up and when she turned on the music SS told her that his dad was coming and he said she told him "I know but he loves my singing"

uhhhhh okay....DH keeps asking me "is she trying to hit on me?" I say yes because I think it's funny. He thinks she's repulsive so I don't know what she thinks she doing.


SM with BM from hell's picture

Just wow. I'm glad you can laugh at it. Once my DH went to pick up SD and BM comes to the door wearing underwear and a tank top. Just like your husband, he called to let her know he was around the corner. I was livid. When DH got back in the car he looked at me like I was crazy and this is how the convo went:

DH- what's wrong?
Me- you didn't noticed she was wearing underwear when she answered the door?
DH- nope I never really pay her any mind.
Me- let's just say she's lucky we don't have bail money.
DH- trust me I'm not going back there.
Me- I know, it's just the disrespect that drives me crazy.

These "women" and I use the term loosely, need to get a grip on reality and hold on tight.

Gabriels Mom's picture

I know he doesn't want anything to do with her. This is so mean but she really is gross. She is 5'7" or 5'8" and she weighs around 350-400lbs (this is just a guess) She's so big she can't walk for more than a few mins at a time...anyways and the more weight she's gained the more hairy moles pop up on her face and my DH has a huge thing about moles on the face. He can't stand that...I've watched he'll focus on it. So I'm not worried. Do I think it's disrespectful? Yes. but I really think it's pathetic. I have never understood these women who chase after men who don't want them. It's sad.

oldone's picture

He should have made some comment to her about it "not being over until the fat lady sings" and that she has satisfied that requirement.

queenofthedamned's picture


misSTEP's picture

I hate it when they can't see the blatant disregard. Our BM once broke the "No Contact" order in order to send a picture of their grandbaby playing with HER newest crotch dropping. He thought that was nice that "someone" (he figured that SD used BM's phone to send it - I call BS since SD cannot be without HER phone for over two seconds!) sent him a picture of his grandbaby.

I KNEW that she did it as a dig since she said something to SD about DH which caused SD to not talk to him for almost three YEARS. He didn't GET to see his grandbaby while BM saw it every single day practically. So I KNEW it was vindictive.

I finally said to him: What if I text HER husband and ask HIM why HIS wife is sending pictures of HIS baby to MY husband!

That is what finally got through his head that the interaction was inappropriate.