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New Years was awesome! NOT!!!!!!!!!!

Gabriels Mom's picture

I hate that I can only log in once a week but I do NOT want DH finding this website he would really be upset but anyway on to my gripes

We had a cable outage over the new year holiday. I don't care about TV I can do without AND it'll come back on eventually. Why did this little sh!t call the freaking cable company to find out whether or not we paid the bill?

SS says to me: I called and our bill is 168.00.
ME: Excuse me?
SS: you need to pay the cable bill.
ME: Our service is not disconnected for nonpay. It is a cable outage.
SS continues to question me about our bills. Which set me off and told him to mind is own damn business. I told him that I realize that he fancies himself an adult but he's not and our finances are off limits to him.

DH heard the exchange from the bathroom. I guess I was loud. He told me later that he was mad at SS for trying to find out about our bills/finances but also mad at the way I handled it. I told him to f*ck off. He wasn't in the room and I will not be questioned by a child. Unless SS is giving me money for these bills he has no right to question me about them. Did I mention the cable was off due to an outage and came on new year's evening?

Second thing that pissed me off new years day. I told DH that I was going to take the truck to be inspected and I was going to leave the kids at home. SS pipes up and says: "I'm leaving at 10 so you'll need to be home before then." I told him he wasn't going anywhere because he had an eye appointment at 1030. He said "I already told mom she could pick me up at 10" DH said "too bad you have been told before that you do not decide when you leave, this is not an effing hotel. You have been told numerous times that your mom and I need to communicate pick ups not you. YOU ARE NOT AN ADULT!" DH stormed off so he could calm down and I asked SS how many times he's been told that. He just shrugged his shoulders. I asked him if he thought his behavior was disrespectful to his parents and he said he knew it was but does it anway. Not that I care about BM but she works overnight so we would have left and she would have arrived and no one would have been home. WTF is wrong with these kids?

how many times do you need to be told something for it to stick?

I think instead of disengaging from school. I'm just going to take a page out of Dtzy's book and if it doesn't affect me and mine I don't care. DH can handle it.


they call me stacy's picture

You were completely within your rights to correct your SS. He is NOT an adult.

We don't allow children to know about any finances, ever. Growing up, my mother even had rules about it. For example, when dining out: "If you look at the check after the waiter puts it on the table, you have to pay for it." I would probably also be calling the company and questioning how a minor child was able to get such information in the first place.

As for the child orchestrating pickups, that's insane. Our BM has tried to orchestrate pickup/drop off specifics through SD7. BM finally quit when DH let her know that unless HE received the contact directly from her, he was not going to play along. Plus, like in your situation, children are terrible at making and keeping schedules! LOL! Maybe your DH can let BM know that all attempts at controlling pickups and drop offs from SS should be considered null and void? Then, if SS can't get cooperation from her, either, he'd have no reason to try, maybe.

Gabriels Mom's picture

you don't have to have any account information to get the balance on the account. Just call from the home phone and it gives you automated account info. That was my first thought was why they gave the account info to a child but his mom probably has the same company and he probably knew that he could call and get the info.

If it was me and my son sent me a text and said "hey pick me at x time" I would turn around and call/text his father to find out if DS had cleared it with him.

DH told him that this is his final warning. If he does it again he will have to give up his cell phone when he arrives and he doesn't get it back until he leaves. We'll see if that works. I doubt it. This kids seriously just does whatever he wants.

I'm just so tired of all this. I don't want to do this anymore. I just want to give up. That sounds so horrible but he's not my kid. He's not my responsibility. I feel like since he isn't mine I shouldn't have to fight this uphill battle. Makes me feel horrible. Sad

Gabriels Mom's picture

I agree that talking means nothing. But this kid literally has no currency. None that we know of anyway...we've taken his cell phone, video games, tv, laptop, everything away. He doesn't care. If he does, he doesn't show it. I just don't want to deal with it anymore. I moved the phone to my bedroom. At least I know he won't go in there. Not after DH's blow up over SS's snooping and ultimately taking of DH's luminox watch. DH was a combat medic(search and rescue) it was a gift from a seal whom he rescued. SS doesn't even look in the direct of our door now...

Gabriels Mom's picture

LOL He will be bagging leaves when he comes home. I used the leaf blower to create nice big piles of leaves plus I never bagged the leaves from the last time I did it soooooooooo....yea he won't be happy but manual labor is the only thing I can punish him with as he doesn't seem to care about anything else.