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I Hate Christmas

frustratedstepdad's picture

I have been so frustrated this past year dealing with SKID issues, I really hate Christmas time. We have six grandkids to buy things for, and my wife just goes completely overboard when it comes to buying gifts. Not to mention we just paid about $200 for them to all have Xmas pictures done as our gift to the skids. Also, the grandkid that is living with us has a birthday this week. We have been so financially strapped these past few months we hardly have any spare money at all. I am sick of watching SD21 who lives with us walking around in designer jeans and Ugg boots while her mom and I barely have money for gas, and have resorted to using credit cards just to buy groceries.

SD21 was supposed to start paying $250 in month for rent, but she has only paid $200 for November, and hasn't paid anything at all for December. She always seems to have money for medical marijuana though, and just spent like $60 on a new bong. She doesn't lift one damn finger around the house. Instead of taking out the trash, she will just keep piling the trash higher and higher. If the dishes have been done but are still in the dishwasher, she'll just use our wine glasses instead of emptying the dishwasher. We also just paid to have our locks rekeyed because someone supposedly stole all SD21's stuff (read my prior blog) with her ID along with her ID card that had our address on it. Then of course all her stuff was returned to her the next day, which makes me think she got drunk and didn't want to tell us what really happened to her stuff. We also just had to pay to have the carpet cleaned because SD21's son spilled Kool-Aid powder all over our carpet while SD21 was sleeping.

Plus we have been taking care of her kid most nights since she has been working and it's wearing on my nerves. Wife and I hardly get any time to ourselves unless we make a quick trip to the store. On top of all this stress, we just got a letter this weekend saying our mortgage will increase by $100 a month. I've actually resorted to telling DW what my counselor suggested months ago, that I move out and get my own place. My counselor argued that ironically I would get more alone time with her because she would be forced to leave SD21 and the grandkid behind to spend time with me. Wife promptly let me know she would divorce me if I did this. For the past two days I have felt like crying because I just feel overwhelmed. I'm a man who doesn't cry at funerals or sappy movies, but I actually feel like crying. Not to mention we couldn't afford to fly to see my family for Thanksgiving so this makes two years I haven't seen anyone in my family excpet my mom who flew out to see me. Sorry for venting folks, I just sometimes sit and think of what in the world I have gotten myself into.


ThatGirl's picture

Call her bluff and go. Is this really the life you want to be living? Do you see any other way of changing it?

She's going to sacrifice you to keep feeding her grown daughter's addictions. This is exactly what's happening, and will continue to happen as long as you allow it.

alwaysanxious's picture

I agree, bluff. If you stood your ground and she actually went through with it, would you be any more miserable than you are now anyway?

Shannon61's picture

Indeed. How much of this abuse are you going to take? Please call her bluff. It's the only way she'll know you mean business. If not, SD may be there another 3 years and you'll be a complete wreck by then. It's certainly no way to live.