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Guess who's pregnant

frustratedstepdad's picture

So last night, my wife told me that SD24 just found out she is two months pregnant. And who is she pregnant by? She's pregnant by the sex offender she used to date, and who is one of the reasons she lost custody of her first child. I swear, every single year I have been with my wife, somebody pops out a damn kid. I am so sick of my selfish ass SKIDS who keep bringing babies into the world that they can't take care of. SD24 hasn't worked for about 5 months, drives around in a car with no insurance, and is getting kicked out of her current place because of her sex offender ex cursing out the property owner.

I wish I could be a regular grandparent just for ONCE and be happy that somebody is pregnant, but all I keep thinking about is how this will be another SKID with their hand out asking for help with diapers, clothes, etc. Of course my wife will use the "I'm not going to let my grandchild go without" excuse and start giving her help once the baby is here. I wish my wife and I could just pack up and move far away to some remote location and be done with all of them.


DaizyDuke's picture

Oh Dear Lord! I seriously don't know how you do it. This may come out as offensive to your wife, so I apologize in advance, but your wife sure did a bang up job with these girls! Have they EVER had consequences in their lives for their poor decisions and bad behavior?? Has their father ever been in the picture? Just what exactly happened here???

Did SD24 find out she was pregnant before of after she went to jail for brawling with her sister in front of their small children?? UGH!!

Jsmom's picture

These girls need birth control. Do not let her in your house or you will never get them out....Sounds terrible but what about an abortion? She has no business having another child.

Willow2010's picture

Wow! What on earth does your wife say about all of this…? And I agree with Daisy and sorry if this offends, but how on earth did your wife raise these kids to be like this? I have sympathy for parents that are putting up their children from the ago of 0-18. But that’s what parents do. After 18, that is when all of the hard work of parenting comes to fruition and you see what kind of adult you raised. She raised a couple of trashy women.

I would let an adult skid or kid (out of college) live with me and DH for a few weeks tops. NOT forever. That is crazy and not helping the young adults.

frustratedstepdad's picture

She supposedly just found out yesterday. She gets cash assistance from the welfare office (just like all the other SKIDS) and she is part of some JOBS program where they are required to look for jobs, and I guess they have to do a urine test periodically for drugs. That is how she found out she was pregnant. So the reason she was thinking about asking me to move in was because she is getting kicked out of her current place.

What you guys have said about parenting is not far off. I too wonder what in the hell was going on when these kids were being raised because ALL of them got pregnant before the age of 20. Thier father was only in the picture for about 7 years and he was an abusive alcoholic so my wife divorced him. He currently owes over $50,000 in back child support and hasn't been a part of their lives. Your right snickersgal, I can bet my wife will probably start feeling guilty in a month or two and ask if SD24 can move in. I've learned to pick and choose my battles when it comes to the Skids, but I am prepared for war on this one. I am preparing to dig my trench, put up barbed wire, lay down some landmines, and make sure my rifle has ammo. No way in God's name is SD24 moving into our house!!!

frustratedstepdad's picture

Yep, SD21 and SD24 just got into that fight last week. I have said from the beginning that all of the SD's should just get a house together or something. That will never happen though because none of them can get along with each other for an extended amount of time. The reason is that 3 out of the 4 are selfish people who only think about themselves first. That is why they don't get along, but they will always blame everything on the other one. Truth be told though, I'm actually glad SD24 punched SD21 because she runs her mouth a lot and thinks she can say anything to anybody at anytime. Fight basically started because SD21 called SD24's daughter a brat, and refused to give SD24 gas money after she had been driving her around all week.

I agree that its a shame that there are people who desperately want kids, while my welfare dependant SKIDS keep popping out babies left and right.

SteppingUp's picture

These stories always make me so I have a dear friend desperately going through fertility treatments to try to have a baby. Sad

beyond pissed-off's picture

Same here. I would also like to adopt but it is incredibly difficult to find a healthy infant because irresponsible people are able to stay on welfare and keep the baby. Sad

Sweetnothings's picture

Good grief...... Just when you think things cannot get WORSE !!!
:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: