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Forgotten SMs

Frustr8d1's picture

Amazing...right after I posted how much I'm used and forgotten by the person who I do everything for every day...Lo and behold, SD walks in and drops a load of school paperwork on me. Sign here, correct this, sign there... Plus, she wants me to send money for the school to send her a Halloween card/treat to her classroom.

I know, I big deal. It's nothing I wouldn't do for my "own" kids right? Well, it just feels like such a slap in the face when she shits on me and has the option of walking away for a VISIT to BM and completely forgets about the family who is raising her. When it has really counted, DH & I have been there for her. In return, if she were to walk away from me forever, she would have no regrets. But, BM can abandon her and be a hero in SD's mind.



Clearly An Upgrade's picture

I've certainly been there. Just call me "Huggie"......because I've been shit all over, and am clearly disposable. It is crystal clear to me that I have been pushed so far by SD and BM, that I now fucking hate being a step mother. HATE IT. Thankless, soul-sucking, stressful, illness inducing, and at almost ALL times, a pointless waste of my precious resources; mental, physical, emotional, financial. FML too.'s picture

I feel the same way. If I were you, I would have handed it all right back to her and told her to give it to DH or BM. I won't sign skids school paperwork or have anything to do with their school stuff. Not my place and I do not want it to be my place.

My skids take advantage when it comes to me cooking for them (SD7 actually picked up her plate of dinner the other day and threw it straight in the trash), washing their clothes (clean clothes mixed with dirty), and they leave messes with the assumption I will clean it up (hell effing no I won't). I won't do their laundry anymore and if I didn't have my bios to feed too I wouldn't bother with making dinner either.

They are spoiled entitled little brats.

Jsmom's picture

I don't sign or do anything for the SS. DH handles it all. It is his kid. I don't ask him to write checks for mine or sign papers for mine. Don't do it and leave it to him. These kids treat us like crap....Why should we help them?

SS is much better now, but I still don't do any of this. It is not my responsibility. He clearly has a father in this house. Let him handle it.