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Can't Find BM and SKIDS

Francesca's picture

So, BM hasn't answered the phone in over a week. We went to BM's house several times over the past two days including at 1 am last night. No lights, no car. She just took $3000.00 from SO. SO doesn't want to call police. Her sister's phone is disconnected. He's going over there today to see if car is there. I told him to take police. (not divorced no court order) Good possibility she took them to New York where relatives are.

Any advice?


ThatGirl's picture

If they aren't divorced yet, there's not much you can do. He can file now, and get a temporary custody order, then go from there.

Francesca's picture

I was told they must file in the county where one lives. She could only file in New York if she were to set up residency there, right? I think he should report them missing and file parental kidnapping. This is not a coincidence, today is one child's birthday and tomorrow is another child's.
I just have a bad feeling about this. She took the $3000.00 and the last $24.oo out of the bank account leaving 0. He thinks he can handle this the old fashioned way. I think he's going to lose his kids.

happymostly's picture

he HAS to file an emergency temporary custody order right away if he wants the kids back in his state before they are gone too long and establish residency in NY (I think most of the time, its 6 months) he has to call the police or do something. He cant do it the 'old fashioned way' especially if she took the kids and ran.

sixteensmom's picture

Ok this is going to seem mean and I don't mean it to be but I've been thinking a lot lately that if I'd just butted out the first few years, dh and I wouldn't have any step kid issues.... There'd be no relationship... He'd just have been the ATM and nothing more. He didn't care to battle for a relationship, I forced it. I know you are mostly concerned with their safety but you just might want to sit back and wait to see just how you ought to play your cards. Do you really want them back? Do you really want him filing for full custody?

Francesca's picture

We went to the police department and reported them missing yesterday. Right now a detective is looking for them. If the kids don't show up in school tomorrow it will be a bigger issue. Detective is going to her house later.