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Not a Hill to Die on, But....

FMSL's picture

This is definitely NOT the hill I am going to die on, but, it is annoying enough that I need to vent a little. We have SD12 full time, yet I'm rarely "allowed" to parent her. I tried long ago to be a "real" mom to her and teach/correct in all the same ways that I did with BD25 and I am now doing with BD4. But, I've backed off because I've learned my lesson long ago that I'm not the "real mom" to SD12.

DH is tired and disconnected. BM is completely absent. My frustration arises because I can't parent this kid because when I do, DH says, "Oh no, NOT again! Do you have to start again with that? WHY do you have to obsess over SD!?"

I'm not on SD's ass all the time. Not even part of the time. Shit, I hardly ever even say anything unless it's an obvious parenting failure, like doing the bare minimum and cleaning up after he own self? No one ever asks her to help with minimum chores. No one asks her to clean her room. No one ever asks her to help clean up the common areas that she also uses. I mean, shouldn't a 12 year old be expected to wipe her own place at the dinner table? Shouldn't a 12 year old be expected to do her homework or clean her own room? I find it hard to believe I'm SO MEAN to think that SD really needs to step it up more and help around the house. Especially if she expects us to pay for her extracurricular activities and entertainment!

Funny, but when I nag BD4 to death about manners & cleanliness, DH never says a word to me about it.

So, I'm not willing to die on the hill of "nagging" SD about wiping a countertop or stop putting greasy fingers on my computer, but I'm so annoyed that I can parent 2 bios with no one telling me I'm over-reacting....but when it comes to SD, I'm always over-reacting and I must be the problem.


Glassslipper's picture

Me too, DH will quickly and swiftly toss one of my bios under the bus if I point out anything his kids do.

When he points things out to me, I listen, because its an opportunity to see it from another parents prospective and correct the behavior and be on top of all the situations.

He doesn't see it.
Too defensive to see it...

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

Because when you try to parent her he perceives it as you are pointing out his own failures in parenting. If her mother was in the picture he would put all blame for any failure on BM but since she's gone he will just deflect his own inadequacies onto you and societies view of us as wicked SMs just fuels it.

princessmofo's picture

If she's there full time and bm and dh seem to have "checked-out" than I can totally understand your frustration. Sounds like your dh is throwing you under the bus to be Disney dad.