The fall out has already started...
...and SD16 is not even here yet.
A couple blogs ago, I talked about DH and SD16 making plans (without talking to me) to go to a market on Saturday. I told him to have a good time. I neither have the interest, time, or money to go. I got major crap about not wanting to spend 'family time' with sd16 (well, DUH!). I told him that if it was supposed to be family time then I should have been involved in the initial conversation. I wasn't upset about it, in fact he SHOULD be spending time with her alone, but no, I'm the evil witch that doesn't want to go.
So now he's being all passive aggressive on me because he really has no arguement about spending time with SD16 alone. The last few days have been oh so pleasant...
1. Texted me at work (he's at home) 'There's no more pop in the house.' I responded back, 'ok'. When I got home he asked if I picked any up on the way home. No, I didn't. He was upset that I didn't take 5 minutes to stop somewhere on the way home and pick some up for him. I pointed out that we live within WALKING DISTANCE of a variety store and that if he drink all the pop, then he can stop playing video games for a few minutes and get some. Silence.
2. Upset that I left my watch on the bathroom vanity. It's where I leave it everynight and then put it back on every morning. He said he was 'tired of me leaving stuff laying around'. I told him when he puts his birthday present away that has been sitting on the dining room floor since NOVEMBER. I will consider finding a less intrusive place for my watch that is not in the house 11-15 hours a day. Silence.
3. Moped around the house wondering out loud how he was going to find the money for gas to take SD16 to the market on saturday. Not even buying lunch, GAS TO GET THERE. I told him that if he had no money to do it, they shouldn't be going. Silence.
He's mad that I'm not giving in or financing this unneccisary expence. Not feeling an ounce of guilt.
- fedupstep's blog
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Good for you. Your dh is
Good for you. Your dh is trying to manipulate you. That would make me stabby.
Did your DH just turn 4 in
Did your DH just turn 4 in November? Geesh! He's acting like a freaking pouty, whiny ass little baby.
THAT is the only reason he is pissed that you are not going is because you won't be along to fund the fun doings.
DH had a man cold a couple
DH had a man cold a couple weeks ago when SD16 was coming. He had the nerve to text me at work and ask if I could drive the hour to get her because he wanted to nap a bit longer. I told him if he was that sick I was called BM and telling her the visit was cancelled. Suddenly he felt well enough to drive.
Good for you!
Good for you!
Jesus... How do you put up
Jesus... How do you put up with that? Is he always like that?
Thankfully no...but with him
Thankfully no...but with him not working he has been stressed out and he has a way of finding other things to be mad at instead of dealing with what is really bothering him.
Really hope he finds a job
Really hope he finds a job soon (though that's not an excuse for being such a douche)...
One time I offered him a
One time I offered him a tampon and a Midol..
Lol sounds like my house. Men
Lol sounds like my house. Men are so dependent on us but don't even see it.
What is wrong with our men?
What is wrong with our men? DH took SD13 to Plato's Closet a few weeks ago at my suggestion because she wanted $50 for a pair of jeans. Jeans that BM gets CS to buy for her but she asked DH anyway. Not even going there right now. I told him she could buy a used pair. She didn't need a $50 pair of jeans. She's 13 and a tomboy and will ruin them anyway. We pulled in the parking lot and I was just going to sit in the car with my puppy. He looked at me and said,"You aren't going to go in with her? This was your idea." Ummmm NO I am not going in with her. She's capable of picking out a pair of jeans and paying for them and if not, YOU go in with her. She's your damn kid, mine is right here on my lap. I hate that he thinks because his kids are girls that I should take them shopping and shit. No...I don't even like to shop unless it's on the internet!