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Happy Anniversary to me!

fairyo's picture

It is a year since my disengagement, and a year since I discovered StepTalk. I had a different name then so the original posts are gone. However, I know that very little has changed in that year but these are the main ones:

My DH has changed into The Ostrich- he has turned from the man at my side to whom I could talk about anything, who I believed would be there for me for the rest of my life, who travelled with me to lovely places and shared adventures and made plans with me, who helped make our lovely home a place of pleasure and delight for everyone who came here- that man has gone and in his place is a strange creature with his head stuck in the sand refusing to see what is going on and waiting for someone to come and kick him up the bum!

I have been to sad places within myself but because of the help and support I've gained here and in other places I know that I can only live my own life- I cannot get his head out no matter how I try so I am just wandering around looking at the trees and the water and the pretty things and feeling glad that I still can do these things, but why can't he?

He is a grown man who has made his own choices and made it clear those choices don't include me. Who am I to judge that those choices are stupid?

My own choices are to make the most of every day- to enjoy my work, and be glad of my leisure, to take care of my health and get out in the fresh air as much as I can, to enjoy the company of my family and friends, to hug my grandkids and romp around and laugh with them, to contribute in small ways to the community I live in, and to support those who have a bigger role to play, to care for my garden and keep my home a place of relaxation and calm, to carry on learning, to sing and dance around my kitchen because I can, to enjoy a good book, an interesting film, to keep my brain active and my heart sensitive, to carry on planning holidays and adventures, and to carry on in the hope that one day he may lift his head and say, 'Wow, look at all the fun I'm missing!

His choice. Meanwhile, I'm living my life...


Exjuliemccoy's picture

You're such a lovely addition to ST, fairyo. Congratulations on your disengagement anniversary.

classyNJ's picture

Happy Disengagement anniversary! Keep enjoying your life! You deserve to be happy.

I have been here a little of 4 years now :jawdrop: Its been a roller coaster for sure.

Acratopotes's picture

Happy anniversary... to our friendship lol, It also has been a year }:) }:)

Hon DH did not change, you only started to see him for who he really is, if he was all of that you would've joined us here long time ago lol...

but I'm glad you came to ST.... and things will get better, your DH is very confused, for years he could bullshit you and now he lost that power, seeing he has no power over his skids (that he lost years ago) he thought he can still control you, now he lost that as well.... yeah his ego is deflating fast, but he will get over that and things will not be like it use to be, it will be better, once he accepted the new you..

fairyo's picture

Yes! I am so very glad I found this site too, and if I had have found it sooner who knows? But, yes, things are shifting very slowly. He has rung me from work a few times this week- and no date night with OSD (although this was probably more due to the weather!) so we have a weekend coming up and no plans- who knows?
Hope you enjoy your weekend too, dear Acrat, and we will keep on doing what we're doing-here's to another year!

fairyo's picture

Thank you Iam- I do feel really strong right now and am so very grateful for all the inspirational posts I have read here too. I think I may need to return to what I wrote on the blog myself from time to time, but hopefully not too often...!