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We beat SD

evilstepmotherJ's picture

On submitting our taxes Smile

SD19 moved out a few months ago and we had a feeling she was going to attempt to claim herself but we beat her to the punch. We have an amazing accountant who knew that we were under the wire to get ours filed first and she just brought me all the paperwork today and filed it all electronically. AND we did manage to get the college forms we needed so we got the full college deduction as well. YAHOO! Finally score one for us


kathc's picture

Um...I hate to say this but don't celebrate just yet. You PROBABLY beat her to it because chances are she didn't get off her ass to file immediately. BUT there is a chance that she also filed today. Just because it's filed electronically doesn't mean it'll automatically spit back if she's already claimed herself. They usually notify you within a few weeks.

spittenfire's picture

Actually last year my DH submitted his taxes and it was rejected within 15 minutes because BM had already claimed SS.

evilstepmotherJ's picture

She has lived in 3 townships, 3 different addresses and had 3 different jobs this year. In addition, she has no idea how to do taxes and will have to have her mommy do them, so there isn't a chance in hell she submitted hers today }:)

edited to add: last year, trying to be the nice SM, I printed all the instructional booklets and forms off that she needed. At some point in March she asked me to help her and showed up at the table minus the instructional books. When I asked where they were, she said she didn't think she needed them and threw them out :jawdrop: at the last minute our accountant did them for her for a very nominal fee but made it clear she would not be doing that again.

Missmozzer's picture

Woohoo! I wonder though, if she tries to claim herself, will they do the same thing as when both parents try to claim a kid?

evilstepmotherJ's picture

Oooo I bet your blood was boiling!!! Now i kind of do hope she does file and try to claim herself, that would be so sweet to reject hers Smile I know the feeling, we paid for everything for SD19, down to the TP to wipe her butt. She also received my benefit of 75% off college tuition and lived here rent free up until December so we are being totally fair in claiming her.

evilstepmotherJ's picture

From what our accountant said, the last one will kick back (hers) and at that time it will come down to proof of residency. I've got plenty of proof that her lazy butt was in our house

Missmozzer's picture

Awesome. }:)