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DH finally gets it

evilstepmotherJ's picture

I do think DH gets it now. SD18 has been ignoring not just me but DH for about 3 months now. We sat her down last week and had a talk and nothing has changed. We had warned her that after constant reminders for her to do her one chore a week (vacuum 3 rooms) that we will no longer be reminding her, we will simply do the chore and bill her for $15 an hour (the rate I charge customers for my cleaning business). After this rule was made, we then reminded her an additional 5 times because DH felt badly, his poor girl barf. This chore shit has been going on for 4 years now and DH finally agreed last week that if it happened again, we were done reminding and done arguing about it. So last night I did my chores, and SD was again days late with the vacuuming so instead of getting mad, I just did it. Wrote in my calendar the date and billed her the minimum half hour and DH was finally fine with it. After years and years he agreed enough was enough.

Later last night, SD texted DH and asked him to a movie on Sunday (wow, guess who's expected to pay for that) and instead DH told her no, he was busy celebrating my birthday with me. Knock me over with a feather. My birthday isn't until Monday but he told her that since we work all day Monday we won't have time to really celebrate. I was shocked because with her ignoring him for so long he's been biting at any little morsel she throws his way. He mentioned this morning that he realizes now that he will always come second to her and he's resigned to it.

I think he finally sees his daughter for what she is, and I'm so thankful to her for showing him what I've seen for years.