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OK, I'm not dead. Thought I'd check in. :)

emptyrisksagain's picture

So here's how it's been:


No lie. Not kidding.

SD was supposed to go to uber-luxurious (and expensive) camp...FLIPPED OUT AND WOULDN'T GO THE DAY OF...and I mean REALLY flipped out. She couldn't..."wouldn't go"...she would "rather die"..."not leaving my dad"... "anything but THIS"...."YOU CAN'T MAKE ME"..."You want get rid of me because you think I'm bad " blah blah blah. She is 16 years old. Keep that in mind. Oy.

She refused to get on the bus when it came time to board. A couple of girls stayed behind to take her in their car, thinking she was just afraid of the bus right? So they drove SD 60 miles BEHIND THE BUS....ONE WAY and then SD FREAKED (again) and insisted on being taken back to "daddy" (not kidding). They dropped her off back with DH in parking lot where everyone else had loaded and then had to drive ALL THE DISTANCE to catch up with the bus full of girls/guys who wanted to rock climb, ride in go-carts, swim, hike, sleep in a camp with A/C, get 4 (count 'em FOUR) hot meals and full service maid/cook/ AKA STUFF I CAN'T AFFORD FOR MY OWN SONS BUT HER BIO GRANDMA PAYS FOR EVERYTIHNG!!!!

Those girls could've ridden the bus. They stayed behind and drove behind for HER.

DH has enough at that point. So he, without my prompting or any word from me, sent her off to his moms, then her bio moms, then Florida with paternal grandma, then back to bio mom...and has only has her here 2 days since June 8th.

She is due back tomorrow. "JOY".

But, since then, he's also gotten her appointments with a shrink...not therapist.

NOW LET'S SEE HOW THIS GOES. HA! DH and I have been flawless, my sons have been happy to the point of skipping (and they're teens, lol), my nephew that's staying with us has been so awesome it's scary....and I have had the chance to renew.

OH and BTW....DH'S mom said to me [quote] "She is awful, sweetie. G*d forgive me and help me, she'd only been with me a week before I caled her a f---ing bit*h".

Then she asked me if I had ever gotten so mad that I'd called SD names to that extent (she felt bad, I could tell). I said, "Oh man, no. 'DH' would kill me, and I'd sooner nail my tongue to a table than to say that to a kid. She is mean as hell, but I hold back all I can. But it's hard sometimes."

To that she replied, "Wait...seriously? How could you NOT have been too verbal by now? She is a beast."


*sigh* She's home (I say 'home'...but it's not one with her here) tomorrow.



Amazed's picture

Then I have to say Good for you that grandma and dh see the light! I hope the shrink works out...maybe you'll get lucky and they'll put her on lithium or something heavy to calm her down. They may even suggest a temporary "rest" for her somewhere "safe" with padded walls...

"We all have different desires and needs, but if we don't discover what we want from ourselves and what we stand for, we will live passively and unfulfilled.”

emptyrisksagain's picture

I love the "rest" and "safe" quotes....those actually got me giggling. THANK YOU! *hugs*