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Stretching the truth and outright lies

Elizabeth's picture

For those of you who want me to stop looking at SD20's online postings, I am trying. But it sure is fun/enlightening sometimes!

Two recent doozies (I am paraphrasing):
- I will always have issues with men because of my childhood (the way I was raised)
- People think I am spoiled and live with my parents, but I've been doing this on my own for quite a while

Are you KIDDING me?!

Her childhood caused her to have issues with men? DH had 50/50 custody from the time SD was 2. He has always been in the picture and been supportive. Yes, he has done boneheaded things, but she HAS a father and he is ALWAYS around. So how has that given her issues with men?

She IS spoiled. She isn't doing ANYTHING on her own. Between DH and BM, 2/3 of her college is paid. Probably more like 3/4 because DH pays more than he is required to, in addition to giving her several hundred dollars for discretionary spending every month. She has gone long periods without a job, relying on DH to fund her partying, tanning, shopping, etc.

Just love the blatant exaggerations and outright lies. And she probably believes what she is posting is the truth.


Elizabeth's picture

I am awaiting all the specialness SD will bring to my life for the next 30 or so years (until DH dies, after which I plan to never see or think about her again).

DH made noises once about cutting off the daddy gravy train once SD turns 21, but I don't see that happening.

Elizabeth's picture

That's the thing. BM remarried when SD was 4 and they have been together ever since. He is a total doormat to BM (works two jobs while she doesn't work at all), and they have had some rocky times, but as far as I know he's a decent guy. So no, it hasn't been a revolving door of men. Two stable men as role models and SD chooses to blame her issues on her childhood. She'll always play the victim/poor me role.

DaizyDuke's picture

Gotta love the alternate universe that they live in... my SD15 got into a Twitter fight with an ex friend over the summer accusing ex friend of taking a shirt of hers.. SD15 said and I quote "I work hard for my money and I bought that shirt and if you took my shirt that makes me really mad" Works hard for her money??? WTF planet is she on? She had a "job" picking rocks out of cornfields in May, which she might have worked at a TOTAL of 4 times and that is it, then she couldn't be bothered..everything else gets handed to her. Oh and let's not forget that SD is the one that steals clothes from everyone. The funny thing is the ex friend lambasted her, asked her what job she was working so hard at and said that what SD REALLY does when she wants money is call her grandma and scream at her until she gets what she wants.

do these brats actually believe this fantasy crap going on in their head?

hismineandours's picture

I believe its a popular trend. My ss15 has always liked to push forth the idea that he is a disadvantaged youth. OMG! He grew up in a gated community wearing A & F. Playing every sport offered, taking multiple family vacations each year-enjoying always two bdays, xmas's etc. But, oh yeah, he's disadvantaged!

Daddy's wife's picture

I keep reading my SD's fairy tale stories too, I'm not sure why.
She has been telling people that she is friends with stars, that she was a model and musician and dj. And her brother is a producer. She must realize her family can read it too.
The biggest joke is that she has put on several social media that she hates liars. While she is the biggest liar I ever met.