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So fed up with being the last to know ... anything

Elizabeth's picture

So DH told me weeks ago he wanted to go see SD21 for family weekend or some such thing at her college, a 5-hour drive from us. And of course he wants to take BD8 with him (BD11 has activities she can't miss).

First, he asked me if it was OK with me, but I discovered he'd already made a hotel reservation. So there's one.

But today took the cake with me always being the last to know. DH asks me this morning to pack BD8 a bag on Thursday. Why Thursday I ask? (Back story, DH works evenings, so he won't be off work until 9 pm Friday and would probably leave for the trip Saturday am.) Hmmm, it's because DH changed his work schedule for Friday and plans to leave that day and drive up Friday so he can have ALL DAY Saturday and ALL DAY Sunday with SD21.

Problem being, I was the LAST to know this. He's all, "Well, I'm telling you early." Uh huh, you've known about these plans for months. So first SD21 knew, then your work knew, then the hotel where you were staying knew, hell even BD8 knew before me (she mentioned leaving on Friday to me, I thought she was just confused).

So "early" notice for me of plans involving my daughter (he evidently is pulling her out of school early?! but hasn't actually told me THAT part yet), is Wednesday am. Psssshhhh.


thinkthrice's picture

This seems to be a pattern with him. He's going to visit his *real* wife on the weekend. I feel really bad for you but these guys KNOW they can get away with this crap and therefore continue to do it.