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I just do NOT understand DH

Elizabeth's picture

So he has this weekend trip planned to see SD20 at her college. He wanted to take our two BDs against my wishes, settled for letting them decide and they don't want to go.

So last night he tells me, "I wish I didn't have to go on this trip. I would cancel except I can't get out of the hotel reservation." I said, "I thought you wanted to do this." And he was like "Yeah, I did."

Um, what is up? So now because our two BDs don't want to go, YOU don't want to go? I thought you were going to see your child. So why WERE you going? I don't get it AT ALL.


Elizabeth's picture

No idea. Pretty sure not because he knows that won't happen. BD10 doesn't want to miss her activity, neither does BD7. Plus we just found out a relative my kids LOVE is coming in from out of state, they haven't seen her for a year and she's must nicer to them than SD20, so no way they'd miss seeing her to bask in the reflected glory that is SD20.

HungryEyes's picture

It probably sounded good at the time but now that he's facing a weekend at college with 20 year old SD... I bet he's regretting getting himself into it at all.

hereiam's picture

Like a lot of fathers, he needs a buffer and now he doesn't have the BDs for that. I hope he has fun with Princess. Blum 3

Elizabeth's picture

I hope he does too! Seriously, considering he just paid for her long weekend jaunt to our town a few weeks ago and said then that a little time spent with her was enough, I'm not sure why he felt this long drive was a good idea. But he got himself into it and can't get himself out, so I hope he enjoys! }:)

kathc's picture

I call bullshit. MOST hotels will let you cancel up to 24 hours before you're scheduled to be there with no penalty. Just about all hotels with a penalty will just charge you one night. Seriously, he CAN'T get out of the hotel reservation?!?

Elizabeth's picture

I suspect he may have been baiting me, to see if I would encourage him to cancel the hotel and stay with us, essentially once again playing the bad guy by making out like I don't want him to see SD20. So I wasn't going to bite even if I also questioned the veracity of that statement.

hereiam's picture

I would do the opposite and encourage him to go. This whole thing sounds fishy, on his part.

kathc's picture

Or, maybe he promised SD she can come party at the hotel while he's there and he's afraid to tell her he's not coming and she won't get to bring her friends over to party??? ugh

Unfreakingreal's picture

They never really want alone time with their spawn. They need us as buffers. Perfect example was last week when DH wanted to go to the movies. SD13 wanted to see a movie that I was not interested in seeing. So I said they could go watch their movie and I'd go watch what I wanted to see. He did NOT want to go alone with her! So they ended up watching what I wanted to see so that I could go with them to see what she wanted to see! Two movies in one day because he wouldn't let me bail on them.

Elizabeth's picture

Even better vickmeister, he declaimed to me that "Next year, we're all going." Of course he means himself and our two BDs, not me. He knows better than that. So why would you be doing to family weekend for a SENIOR in college? Beats me. This town she lives in is NOT a destination, it is smaller than the town we live next to. There are no big attractions to take BDs to. He claims he wants them to see a college, but there are several in the town we live next to. No need to drive five hours one way for that!

lovedbyone72's picture

I wish there was a "like" button here as on FB.

My DH was the same way for a field trip with his child. He was so excited about it, and then when it came down to the night before, he kept up with the "I wish you were coming!" and even texted it to me while on the trip. I simply kept repeating that it would be a great time of Daddy-Daughter bonding time. It happened to fall on a Saturday, and there was no way in hell I was giving up one of my weekend days for that! HELL TO THE NO! So I agree...Pack some snacks, and say HAVE A GREAT TIME! LOL!

zerostepdrama's picture

Elizabeth- So how was DH's trip? Did he go and see SD? Not sure if I missed the update or not but I was curious about it.