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second chance? I think not

dodgegal05's picture

One of my friends and I were having lunch today and the topic of my weekends plans came up. I mentioned we went to the movies, ran into two of the skids, typical treatment of me by them, life went on. She says "well maybe they treat you like that bc you wont give them a second chance?" Mind you she's never had stepkids, but she knows what they've done and how it was in the past with them. I calmy replied "They never even gave me a first so I am not giving them a second." She started saying something and I changed the subject. If I wanted to talk with Dr. Phil I'd go on tv.


twopines's picture

It's so silly, isn't it? As if the only way they could be nice to you is if *you* gave something, in this case a chance, to them. And a chance to do what? Be nice? What your friend doesn't understand is they could be pleasant to you for it's own sake.

dodgegal05's picture

she has a charmed life really, thinks her family is the best (although no one outside of my town has heard of them), perfect bf (no kids, never married), great job, etc... All she can do is tell me what she would do and play a Dr. Phil role in my life while showing off her perfect one. I avoid any topic related to my relationship with them around her. I wanted to laugh, but I just changed the topic. Otherwise I may of come uncorked on her.

Kes's picture

I don't know if I could tolerate being friends with a person who had led a charmed life. It would just send my blood pressure up too much, being as how I have led the opposite to a charmed one!
One might wish some really difficult SKIDS on such a person! }:)