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Taking the Heat....

disgusted's picture

Everytime Step Brat screws up it seems that DH takes it out on me...He gets all snappy and rude with me...Yet, he won't talk to Step Brat like that no matter what she does!! Everything is sweet heart, honey, and baby doll...I told him that if he would speak to her and deal with her the way he does me..Maybe she wouldn't be the way she is!! I just don't get it!!

I guess I should have video recorded the ONE TIME he came down on her appropriatly with the Geisha Doll situation because that will be the only time he deals with her appropriatly and doesn't take out her crap on me!! I am sick of it!!


doglover1's picture

hence the ex word. He had a young son when we were married (very long time ago) and everytime the kid would do something wrong I paid for it! Fast forward. We are now divorced, his son doesnt talk to him (he is a high school drop out and a drug addict now)and the ex is all alone. I stayed in that toxic relationship for 4 years, it was hell. Mostly because after episodes of the H being a total ass, he would then be a prince. That kept me sucked in for a long time. Maybe 4 years isnt long. But it was for me looking back.

secondwife20's picture

just stupid. Why the hell is it your fault when the brat screws up? I would be so sick of it too, Disgusted! I would smack him, if I were you. Maybe knock some sense into him!

It's just so ridiculous how some of our skids can get away with so much stuff. It doesn't teach them to think about the consequences with everything because there are no consequences with them! BM and "Daddy" always let's them get away with everything! And then, in the long run these kids will be troublemakers and end up on the streets or in jail. Watch... I expect a lot of bad things to come from SD8. I don't want to, but the way DH treats her, it's bound to happen.

disgusted's picture

Oh I do smack him...I even kick him and throw him on the ground...In Karate..LOL...We are a Karate Family and even Thursday night for two hours I can beat on my husband and not get the cops called on me!! LMAO...

In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities. ~ disgusted

disgusted's picture

Oh I do smack him...I even kick him and throw him on the ground...In Karate..LOL...We are a Karate Family and even Thursday night for two hours I can beat on my husband and not get the cops called on me!! LMAO...

In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities. ~ disgusted

disgusted's picture

Oh I do smack him...I even kick him and throw him on the ground...In Karate..LOL...We are a Karate Family and even Thursday night for two hours I can beat on my husband and not get the cops called on me!! LMAO...

In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities. ~ disgusted

KittyKat's picture

Although H's skanks are ADULTS, they do NO WRONG. They can make the dumbest mistakes, date/marry the biggest losers on the planet (who I'm supposed to embrace as "family"....YUK! Never.), act like total tramps, but they are the BEST.

I think reality has set in with him that I'm just NOT going there....if he wants to visit them, think they're the best thing since sliced bread, I hope he has a blast. I won't be participating. I don't need people like "that" bringing me DOWN!!

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt

melis070179's picture

"H's skanks" THAT'S funny!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

Sia's picture

but after I told him that if could not speak with me in a respectful manner, then don't speak to me at all.....he has drastically changed his tone!

plantmama's picture

Occassionaly, I have to ask "Why is that when the SK does something wrong, I get the punishment?" That usually opens DHs eyes a bit.

But I don't know what it is about that kind of stuff. It is the most common complaint I see on message boards that SKs are allowed to be rude, unruly, selfish snot boxes. It's as if being divorced was the get out of parenting card. Drives. me. crazy.

disgusted's picture

LOL...Mine acts like remarrying was his get out of parenting card...

In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities. ~ disgusted

SM#1's picture

My SD9 surely must think that she has everyone wrapped around her finger. She is badly behaved, towards me and her father, than her father starts snapping at me the rest of the day becuz he is so angry w/ SD.

I swear she does it on purpose! The she goes back to BM and tells her that we fight all the time. BM calls to say "my husband and I don't fight at all maybe one of you should move out" !! Like our marriage is any of her biz, anyway. H says "we don't fight all the time, is just happens a lot when SD9 is around" he failed to mention that she starts it--BM won't believe that anyway.

So frustrating!!