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GED book arrives.....all is well, thanks to ST

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Before asking DH about ordering the complete GED preparation guide, I just ordered it. Obviously the kid needs it and no one else will lift a finger....fact!

Fit hit the Shan, you know from previous blog.

So, the book arrives in the mail...I tell DH, I need to tell him something.

I say, I apologize for being a responsible and supportive person, as I usually am and for buying your skid that book. Before I do something like that again, I will try to limit my actions until I am able to consult you to see if you are interested.

I have to be me, so I agreed to be me with temperance. No more bowing out gracefully and play acting in BMs fantasy world where I don't exist.

It was a compromise from me getting told to stay out of his business with his skids. I reminded him that his older skids truck is in my name because I paid for it.....HELLO.

I can give them a $6000 loan on a vehicle, but I can't be part of their lives. Isn't it just neato how they work those things, eh?


ddakan's picture

Well, I did put a stop to that. I doubt a skid will darken my door anytime soon!!!

I called me a devil....okay, you wanna see the devil????? hahahhahaha. apparently they wished I'd have just stayed nice....they scared of ddakan now. oh well. i am very tolerant....10 years tolerant, then "oh snap" - BAM SUCKERS! im done. DH is kind of confused, he's still giving me the "?" when he looks at me. hahahaha....kinda nice!

ddakan's picture

well, ss17 is the only one who ever talks about BM. i might occasionally say, is that how you usually do it, or is that what yall do...but I never mentioned her because I didn't want to start a fight.

ss17 just begged me not to make fish EVER because apparently its BMs favorite meal. i would have guessed that since that IS a feline's favorite food.

i always treat the skids better than BM because I'm just a basically nice person who thinks kids should have food, peace, and support while being held accountable for their actions sort of mom.

5 months, 10 days until the BM loses her gravy train!!

ddakan's picture

ha ha Renee, that's because your skid must actually show up more than 25 percent of the time for the last 3 years. my skid just quit going when he didn't "feel" like it.

its like these skids are disposable or something. because if it isn't done by me, the skids real parents couldn't give a crap!!! really!!! it takes away from their "ME" time....LOL

rags has talked a lot of sense into me about this whole situation and all your comments help me too.

i never imagined there were people in the world that were so ignorant or difficult to deal with as BM....and even DH sometimes. about the "appreciation" factor = 0% as well!!!

who else but a sm would take a job with no rewards/money/appreciation????