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My Sd is RIDICULOUS!!!!!

daisy0202's picture

So my SD16 was at her BM yesterday and today (I hope) well yesterday she called my DH's cell phone FOUR TIMES to complain and bitch about BM....Finally my DH started yelling and swearing (which of course he felt bad about later) WHAT THE F&*^% DO YOU WANT ME TO DO???????

I mean OK BM is a wack job but you keep going there so you need to deal...What the hell do you expect your father to do...I mean seriously....If things are that bad DONT GO!!!!!!!! Its like she wants him to call her and have a yelling match...IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!!! He wont even have a conversation with her you think he is going to fight with her....

I hate when his phone rings and she is there...My skin starts to crawl, I get pissed, and just to hear her voice because were sitting together watching TV enjoying the alone time (because my children are doing there own thing) I just want to scream WTF DO YOU WANT NOW!!!!!! I know thats aweful...I feel bad about it but I CAN NOT STAND THIS KID!!!!!!! How can I make this better for me?????


Kes's picture

I know exactly what you mean. When my DH's phone rings (they never call the landline) I always mentally am saying (and sometimes out loud), "What NOW?" It seems like they just cannot live their lives without some kind of melodrama going on. I know it is possible to live without this - my adult daughters do, I do, even my exH does. But to NPD BM and her daughters, drama is like their life blood, they cannot live without it.
I think my DH knows how much I hate it, because if he has something to say to one of the SDs on the phone, he has taken to speaking to them while he is walking the dog before we go to bed! I know this because I hear him ending the call as he comes to the front door.

daisy0202's picture

OMG...LOL my DH did that yesterday he was on the deck smoking (no smoking in the home) and went out there to have him bring the garbage down and he was just hanging up...I made the mistake of asking, everything OK? he just smiled and said of course not.....I just smiled and went in the house...I didnt even want to know...

BM and SD16 are so into drama it is crazy....SD complains everyday if not about BM than about teachers, friends, classmates, underware being to tight....It is endless...I hate hearing her voice because everything that comes out of it is a complaint...makes me :sick:

z3girl's picture

SD is 20 on our end and STILL does this!! She ruined Christmas Eve for me by blowing up DH's phone with calls (not even the usual texts!) from fighting with BM, and it pissed DH off cuz he kept saying "What do you expect me to do? I can't help you!" and then was just grumpy the rest of the evening.

Just last night SD20 posted on FB how her mother holds the world record for bitching so long without losing her voice. Nice.

unsure99's picture

I told my FDH once that it was best that he didn't talk to his daughter on the phone while we were bed fixing to have sex because it really turned me off!! Don't think he has talked to her at that time of the day any more. Smile

daisy0202's picture

This is a little TMI but she once called in the middle and he answered.....I went to sleep... :sick:

jojo68's picture

When she is away at a friend's and has to call every five minutes or at BM's house for 30 minutes and then calls to come home...I would love to just one time pick up the phone and say..."no need to worry, you aren't missing getting to go the store and buy some ridiculous toy that is 5 years too young for you and no we didn't go anywhere without you and no I didn't get anything that you don't know about, not even a diet no worries and I'm sure that you haven't lost your manipulative grip on your father in the few hours that you have been gone so enjoy yourself dear!"