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hes begging!!!

daisy0202's picture

So after lunch I have recieved 4 text and 2 calls on, please come by, Ill pay for your gas, I need to see you, please lets try...I am sorry i am such a guy! I know i have to be firm, i have no idea how to do this! i need your help....I told him IDK this is just to much right now....So everyone HELP!!!!! I want to say yes but thats my heart talking my mind is saying NO!!!


3familiesIn1's picture

Mmmm, so what has he done to enforce the punishment on SD? Has he told you yet what his plan on follow through is?

Maybe you can not answer the question about seeing him on Friday but ask him what resolution he has put in place? Then go from there.

And see if you can get him to answer why he lied and why he thought it was ok to lie to you.

DeeDeeTX's picture

I always thought begging was pathetic.

Either he believes he was right for doing what he was doing, in which case, why is he begging?

Or he thought he was wrong, it which case he should be changing things, and respecting your desire to be pissed.

But begging is just so...pathetic. I had ex BFs who begged. That's part of why they are exes. Either change things or don't, but begging makes me respect you even less.

YMMV I suppose.

LilyBelle's picture

Ripley- this is good!

I would also add, that he does need help learning these things, but he can't learn them from his wife.

He needs a male mentor who has already accomplished these things.

overworkedmom's picture

He does really seem to be trying. You do have to allow for an adjustment period for changes. I think you should try and see him tonight or tomorrow. Clearly outline what you want him to do. Put it in writing if you have to, but he loves you and he is trying.

smdh's picture

He "needs" your help but he isn't listening to you. THat is the problem. You've been trying to "help" him for a long time and his response is always the same "What can I do?" or "I'm doing the best I can". And if he is doing the best he can, he needs to know it isn't enough.

Here is what you need to tell him:

"I will not come by until I am reasonably sure there have been REAL consequences for the text she sent me. You told me you punished her and you didn't. You conveniently came up with an excuse to give her phone back and you think because you "told" her about the laptop being for homework, you did enough. And you didn't do enough. There is no excuse for her to have that phone. She used it inappropriately. She is in your care. Period. You've "told" her to stop calling you 100 times when you aren't with her and she continues to abuse that. Its time to take the PRIVELEGE of a phone away from her until she can prove herself to use it responsibly.

TALKING to her isn't working. Talking with out consequences is nagging or offering suggestions. If you can't give her consequences, then my only option is to give YOU consequences because I am finished being a nag or making suggestions. THis situation needs to change. She can't or WON'T change, which means YOU have to change, dh. YOU have to get it under control. YOU have to make decisions that put me first and stop catering to her drama. YOU have to be firm. YOU have to insist she gain some self-control. If YOU can't do those things then I can't help you. You need to help yourself.

We are supposed to be working on our marriage. This is the time to prove that you can change in in the past week you have canceled plans, been late for plans, considered canceling plans because SD MIGHT need you, answered 7 calls form her while with me before turning off your phone, allowed her to send me a nasty text and blame ME for your erecting boundaries, and told me you punished when you actually didn't. How is that working on our marriage exactly? "

I'd also tell him that making plans with you

whatwasithinkin's picture

I would be honest and tell him you are not ready to do anything with SD right now, after her texts in the past couple of days. I really do think that his problem is he is just a guy...I could so relate when you asked about where the lap top was located during her grounding, it's like my DH giving SD16 her Nook twice, the first time not realizing it had the internet and the second time after saying he would not let her take it on spring break to her mothers and then turning around and letting her. The first time was him being a dumb guy, the second time was him being a disney dad. its almost like i have to break it down to him why, each time. its like WTF?

Charly's picture

The way I see it, you two keep going in a vicious cycle. The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. What is going to happen if you give in and go, I bet you can probably predict it because you've done it time and time again. He's not takin this seriously.

He HAS to know that you mean business. That's great he turned off his phone when she called a couple of days ago, but she was still calling and calling and calling, her phone should be taken away until she can learn proper phone behavior. She sent you a nasty text, again, the phone should have been taken away until she can learn proper phone etiquette. He has to teach her that for every bad behavior there is a consequence, one he is going to stick with.

Until he can outline his parenting plan to you with specific consequences for undesired behaviors, I wouldn't budge.

I also wouldn't be doing these overnight visits, he is getting everything he wants, the relationship with his daughter, and sex with his wife without having to actually be with her every day. He is living the dream.

I would also tell him that parenting is preparing your child to leave. Does he think his parenting is doing anything to prepare this girl for the real world?

forestfairy's picture

UGH, I'm getting so annoyed at your DH, lol. He wants YOU to do everything. Perhaps you should go online and find the number of a parenting coach and just text him that. Name ONE thing he has done to change the dynamic with him and SD? Besides ignoring her phone calls (that's easy), he's done nothing. Why should you do it for him, it's his problem and it's not your responsibility. If he knows he doesn't know how to parent, then he needs to find the resource to learn. DO NOT DO THIS FOR HIM. Also, I think you're sending mixed messages between the sleepover/date nights, and then the cancelling of plans because you're all of the sudden angry. You guys really need to get into some counseling pronto (both together and separately).

Helena.Handbasket's picture

He needs your help? No, he needs to learn to parent on his own. its not your job.

He's getting desperate.

smdh's picture

One more thing. Read what you wrote. Notice how it is about what HE NEEDS? His way of thinking is still "I want what I want and I want you to accept that I am such a guy and let me be who I am and quit complaining"

ThatGirl's picture

I am sorry i am such a guy!

i need your help....

He's avoiding all responsibility for the mess he has created with his daughter, and always will. This is not a "guy thing." Believe it or not, there are other men who do not raise their daughters this way.

Let him know that you ARE helping, by staying apart and going to couple's counseling. Perhaps he should make an attempt to help himself by attending some parenting classes, owning up to his responsibility, and quit shoving it all off on you?

asheeha's picture

Perhaps he should make an attempt to help himself by attending some parenting classes, owning up to his responsibility, and quit shoving it all off on you?

^^^^^^YES, is it your responsibility to make him a better parent? you have tried, but that has to come from him!

3familiesIn1's picture

Agree with him.....

Tell him that is the problem - to stop acting like 'such a guy' and start ACTING LIKE A FATHER

stormabruin's picture

The fact that he's offering to pay for your gas indicates that he is either unaware of what the real problem is, or refusing to acknowledge. Either way, he is still clearly not at the point he needs to be at to make this work.

Why is he not telling you that he was wrong to lie to you & why is he not telling you that he has SD's laptop & that she will not have unsupervised access (for homework) to it for the week he told you she would be grounded from it?

HE has to be capable of doing that on his own...without you holding his hand. HE has to be willing to be honest with you...even it means admitting he did nothing to punish her. Truth is always better than lying, even if the truth is ugly. There's no point in trying to work with a liar.

At this point, I say you stick to not going, regardless of what happens between now & then. He needs to know that there are consequences for choices, & that "I'm sorry" isn't a fixer. If he weasles into getting his way here, you will be reinforcing the idea that begging & pleading will get his way, no matter his actions.

I really think you just need to call this particular evening off & not make more plans until he's taken action on the discipline & proven that he's really willing to look at the problems & put effort into making things better.

New second wife-step-mom's picture

I would tell him straight up "I am not going tonight because of the recent events with SD and because you did NOT give her consequences for her actions". "I expect you to give her consequences for her actions and stick to them. If you need help in figuring these out I am here to help".

Then let him know you think it would be a good idea for you and him to sit down and make a list for actions and accountabilities/consequences for the actions. Especially some of those things she has pulled since you have been together.

Then let him know you will be watching to make sure he is serious about following through with her actions and your relationship. Because in case he hasn't noticed you are very serious about dealing with it on your end if he does not. It is his choice, and you cannot make that choice for him but you are getting weary with his (emotional) pushing and pulling of you.

Make everything REAL plain to him.

discfocused's picture

Stick to your guns.. This is where he is trying to break you before he breaks! Dont give in yet!

herewegoagain's picture

Why would you say yes? Really? He's done nothing to change the issue. He KNOWS what he needs to do but can't do it? Then he's really not getting it.

Delilah's picture

Seems to me that your DH is in avoidance mode still, avoiding cupability and responsibility. I agree with much of the advice you have received and I must say I think he shouldnt be *rewarded* for his destructive, passive behaviour NOT until he actually does something well:

1) I personally would be in NO hurry to go Help him with HIS DD, he had your help for how long? Yet he kept trashing your advice, doing what he wanted not caring what hurt or damage he was causing with you and your marriage so whats different now? HE has to change, HE has to learn to parent not you. Not your responsibility and all your assistance caused was stress for you when you had the door firmly slammed in your face by DH and more attitude from sd.

2) These excuses are a turn off in my book. Nothing like a whiner who believes themselves to be a victim in the situation, when they are one of the main catalysts to make the red mist descend and take control. (I need help...I am a guy...). Yawn. His texts do not contain anything of worth to your situation. Where is the punishments for sd?!!! He initially HAD the solution to the situation, make her apologise (check), take her phone off of her indefinately until she can prove she can be responsible and trusted with it (no check....taking if off of her for a few hours tops is not a punishment), taking away her laptop (FAIL). So he KNOWS what he needs to do, thats why he lied to you because he knew he was wrong to cave. Innocent people dont lie. Thats why when he realised he had been caught out he started making poor excuses. Again, why would a guilt free conscience justify his actions?

3) He is late, lets you down and leaves you hanging regularly by the sounds of it. Not the actions of a man who is committed completely to winning over his wife. Words are pretty, but actions are far and away more desirable.

4) Got to say I did mention this on another blog that I think your DH is kinda comfortable with the current arrangements. He doesnt have to deal with living 24/7 with the destructive competition your sd has with you, as you arent living under the same roof. He doesnt have to bear witness to his and sd's influence on your emotional state for the same reason. Yet he gets to come over and enjoy the thrill of seduction, being wooed and dating. All the while he continues as he was with his behaviour. I would stop giving him sex, making him dinner and doing special things for him. Reward him with this WHEN he proves he can do something right and does it well.

karenemoy's picture

Daisy - my DH has a very blind eye (or used to) when it came to his son. DH relied on me alot to let him know when the manipulating POS was spewing his bullshit.

I would give your DH a chance.

simifan's picture

Daisy - take some time to look up Rori Raye - she has a lot of excellent ideas about setting boundaries for yourself & how it improves your relationship. You continue to waver & let him manipulate you. You need to be firm and set boundaries for yourself. Ex. I will leave the table when SD calls X times.

I know just how hard this is but if you don't stand firm now, you'll be stuck in your current situation forever.

Stand strong. Best of luck to ya.