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Good morning everyone....

daisy0202's picture

Well update on my big day....

The Thursday did not go very well....I got out of work went right to my parents, my BFF's were there, that was great, we had dinner and drinks and some laughs....DH tried calling me a number of times, I didn't even answer...He text me a couple of times..."what is wrong"...He didn't even know what was wrong...i had a good cry before i got to my parents so no one would know...But the puffy eyes told it all...But they all made me laugh and i felt better.

Around 8:30 DH came to my parents with roses. I was so pissed he even showed up....I said thank you and then went on with my friends. he stayed until i left. SD was at the house. I came into the door and she just started talking to DH about some TV show. DH said dont you have something to say to SM...ahh no...Yes you do he said today is her bday...Oh yaaa I totally forgot happy bday SM...I just went upstairs....DH came into our room and said what is wrong....So I WENT OFF!!!!!!! I told him she did that because today was actually my day and I was sick of this drama and I am better off by myself and will NOT stand for this anymore...I understand she is your daughter and I completely respect that but this was UNCALLED FOR and if this were to happen again I AM DONE WITH THIS BS!!!!!....

He agreed she did this on purpose and I guess it came out in therapy that she was jealous daddy was paying so much attention to me....WHAT ATTENTION????

Then Sat came DH was out all day and then we had a benefit, well the benefit was a surprise 40th for me...I had 120 people, a hall, DJ, OMG a totally BLAST!!!!!! I danced all night, laughed, drank, OMG it was so much fun...and the music was back to the 80' was wonderful...made me forget about all the shit on my bday...DH and I talked more in private on sunday and he tells me things are going to change for the better because this drama shit is getting out of hand...I explained my points and i realize she is your daughter and i dont want to come between that but i am here and this petty BS she pulls has to stop. She is going to be 17 years old not 7....I am not the enemy here....We agreed things need to change and will be working on that...That night BM called with more drama and DH hung up on her I heard him say to her whatever you want to do I'm done with this shit...I didnt even ask what happened and told him I dont even want to know....She is supposed to go to BM this weekend, we have plans friday and sat and DH tells me we are still keeping them and that is all that matters...

Bottom line though besides the drama of my actual bday (thursday) the rest of the weekend went GREAT!!!! Friday was off went to the spa with my mother all day and it was sooo relaxing... Thank you everyone for your comments thursday i was sooooo upset that day and so appreciate this board!!! big hugs for all!!!!! Smile


daisy0202's picture

My DH planeed the whole party with my parents help...It was awesome... and yes scubed DH does realize he should of told SD we will go to therapy tomorrow...But he realized this after she said in therapy how jealous she was that DH was planning a party, and all attention went to me and the party....Guess therapist told DH we have a long road ahead of us....GREAT!!!!

Mazzy i hope so to...he saw Thursday how upset i was...When I went off on him I just started to cry...Its just to much drama lately...Everyday is some issue, everyday is some BS...I just want to move forward and we seem to be always moving backwards...Ya know?

daisy0202's picture

She did and actually talked to me there and asked if i was surprised....Then Sunday she did say i am sorry I messed up your bday, i dont know whats wrong with me...i told Therapy will help and i just wanted her to know i am not here to take away her dad...i am here for both of them always...She cried (I felt bad but i didnt feel anything when she cried) she cries all the time to get her way...I just hope the tears were real and not fake...But we will see with time....She goes every week to therapy so my fingers are crossed.....all I can do I guess