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What is my problem?

Crizzle's picture

I feel so lonely. I am a SAHM. BD is 8, BS is 5. My SD's live with us full time and they are 15 & 12. And there is no EOE away from them. Their mother has no visitation rights. My DH works a lot of hours too. He leaves at 5:15pm and can get off work anywhere from 2:45-6:30 a.m. Then he comes home and sleeps all day of course, gets up anywhere from 1:00-3:00 depending on what time he gets home. I am here all day with these kids. I am so LONELY. It seems like everyone has a life, but me, but I don't want to go do anything and I don't want people to come see me. So what's the deal? I think I would be a little happier if his girls weren't here every freakin' day and it was just me and my kids, but if I feel so lonely why don't I want to go see people or have visitors?? I know part of the reason is that I have inexplicably gained weight over the last couple of years and I feel very self-conscious in everything I put on. I feel fat in everything I wear. I also have curly hair that is such a pain to get to look like anything. I hate my hair, I hate my weight, I hate the way I look. I hate looking at his kids every day. I hate that I never see him. Why should I have to sit with his kids when I hardly get to see him?


cyberwoman's picture

It souds like you are depressed. There are two things I recommend, one is to get help from a counselor, maybe talk therapy, maybe meds or both, the second is to talk it through with your husband what bothers you. Hope it works out for you.

Crizzle's picture

This weight thing has been an issue for about two years. My thyroid has been tested and re-tested and scanned. Nothing. I started eating better a few months ago and walking too. It hasn't helped. I used to take Accutane and I believe my weight issue is a permanent side effect of it. My hair isn't that big of a deal, just a big pain and one more thing to add to my list of "I hates". I would love to go to therapy and really believe I need it, but I have no idea when I would be able to actually go...or is that just another excuse I am making so I won't have to leave the house and have people see me. I have talked to my husband and he understands why I feel down, but doesn't understand why I can't love his little liars, I mean princesses, as much as he does and as much as I love my own. He doesn't understand how I can't love the children he made with another woman, the children who have lied about me, the children who have talked badly about my children as if they were my own. Gosh I guess I AM the evil one.

cyberwoman's picture

You are NOT evil. It is not natural to love anyone who causes you pain and discomfort. What you feel is normal, please go talk to a therapist, your kids need their mother please find the time to go.

Crizzle's picture

DH thinks I should "just get over it". See they lied to his sister about me and she and I used to get close, but after that I always wondered what else they have lied about to her and what she REALLY thinks of me. He says no one else would worry about this. How would he know?

Crizzle's picture

You would think they would have friends, but I guess I'm not the only one on the planet who doesn't trust them LOL

herewegoagain's picture

Just wanted to let you know I understand...even w/out skids around, I feel the same most of the time...hugs and PM me anytime...I have hundreds of cell mins a month and talk no nobody... Smile

Sia's picture

awwww my sorry to hear you are feeling down! What can I do to help? Wanna come to my house for a swim? It's not that far! I feel the same way sometimes, and the only skid I have living here in SD18, but she's not too bad.....

I think we all go through this at one point or another...we're women, and I think at some point we all feel ugly....
BUT, you are not! You're adorable!!! Take the kids to the park and read a great book, maybe you will feel better! HUGS!!!

Crizzle's picture

You're such a sweetheart! I just would like for them to go away once in a while you know. I mean living with two kids that aren't yours is not easy. I just don't feel relaxed in my own home and I have absolutely no privacy with their nosy butts around all the time.