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Drama Queen and MY little Princess...

Colorado Girl's picture

SD11 runs track this year. About a month ago when track started, her mom 'forgot' to turn in the proper paperwork even though BM had promised SD11 that she'd turned it in. Well obviously not so much becuase SD11 calls her dad HYSTERICALLY crying to see if he'd take care of it... which of course he did by calling BM and picking up the missing paperwork. Then BM made it a point to tell me her jaded version of the whole ordeal when I dropped off SD11 and how it was all SD11's fault. I just nodded my head, smiled, and got in my car and rolled my eyes. I don't even care.

So last week at the parent meeting for track, they announced there would be a $40 participation fee. DH called BM and told her to pay the fee because she already owes him over $200 in other reimbursements. She said fine. There's a track meet today and the money was due yesterday so of course DH called BM yesterday to make sure it was taken care what does she do? She has her boyfriend drop off the check to SD11. This is the same boyfriend that at one point wasn't allowed within 100 yards of the school because of the restraining order. The same boyfriend that SD11 REFUSED to go to his house and told her mom she would run away if she made her. I could go on and we can all assess that BM sent her BF just to bring forth the drama because she KNOWS any interaction between the two of them leads to disaster...not only that she could've just had the BF drop it off to the office not directly to SD11.

So this morning I drop off all the kids at school and SD11 and her friend are the last stop, BM calls SD11 and first asks who was taking her to school today (DUH!?!? I always take them to school) then inquires if she was "embarassed" because BF dropped off the check. SD11 said, "Mom, I really don't care..."


I wish, wish, wish I could've seen BM's face when SD11 wouldn't engage in the argument and become entangled in the drama. "I gotta go..." SD11 looks at me and rolls her eyes and gets out of the car.

Wow...I've created an anti-monster. Blum 3


stepwitch's picture

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!