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Update from yesterday's blog

Coco72's picture

You might remember yesterday I was frustrated with FH, he thought we should ignore BM and I wanted him to call the police because he has a no contact order.

He ignored her (which I know was the right thing to do), well, just like some of you said, this was going to drive her crazy.

There was no school yesterday, normally SS takes the bus to FH's work and I pick him up from there when I get out, since there was no school, there was no bus, so FH texted SS earlier in the day to tell him he would pick him up after work, they texted back and forth a bit, then FH received a phone call from BM, he ignored it, then the texts started, he ignored those, none of them had anything to do with SS, which is the only thing they are allowed to communicate about, via text only. 

FH gets out of work and calls SS's phone to tell him he is on his way, and to make sure he has all his stuff (he forgot, is his favorite excuse), all the sudden BM takes SS's phone (which we pay for) and starts yelling at FH about not answering her calls, or responding to her texts, and about the taxes. FH hangs up, after giving her a piece of his mind as well. Then the texts start.

FH gets fed up and calls the police, they ask him to screen shot all the texts and email them to the officer, and that they will forward all of it to the States Attorney, we know the drill, so that's what FH does. Less than 15 minutes later the police call FH back and tell him that they read over the No Contact Order and she is clearly in violation amd that he has made numerous complaints about her violating the order so they are going to go take her into custody.

I'm sure she was booked and released with a court date, because she was texting SS last night, but maybe now she will stop!



hereiam's picture

Good. He ignored her until he couldn't, then HE decided to do something about it (as opposed to being pushed by you). That's how it should be.

And I say that because it really doesn't do any good to stand up to someone, if it's not your decision to do so. HE had to make that decision.

As much as it pains us to see someone we love get trampled on, we can't (and shouldn't) always fight their battles for them.



Exjuliemccoy's picture

Stories like this one make my heart go pitter patter!*air_kiss*

So many men just roll over and say, "Thank you, ma'am, may I have another" . Kudos to your DH for doing the right thing.

Maxwell09's picture

I’m relieved BM never went to these extremes. She pushed when DH stopped responding to her extra messages that had nothing to do with SS or was just baiting for a fight. There was a time when we were getting paragraph texts and constant calls. Luckily for me he was very serious about it and never let her get an inch. Even now he sticks to his email only rule and I know it’s saved us so much drama.