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Stimulus payments

Chmmy's picture

Does anyone have kids or skids who are age 17-23 in high school or college that work and file taxes yet are claimed on either parents taxes?  For age 16 and under the parent who claims the child should get $500.  For 17 and up even if you claim your child you get nothing.  I'm wondering why SD17 got $1200 and SD21 and my niece who is 18 got nothing...both work and are claimed by their parents.

Just trying to figure it out.  My brother checked to see if my niece was getting anything and she shouldn't but she does get unemployment even though she only works 10 hours a week somehow she is geting $600 a week for unemployment...lucky her because she is a good kid and responsible and has never caused an ounce of trouble in her life and the worst thing she has ever done is roll her eyes at her mom but she doesn't talk back and is the model child...not a skid lol!!


lieutenant_dad's picture

SD filed her taxes wrong and claimed herself as "independent", and the IRS didn't catch it since she likely makes so little that it's not worth the audit? That's all I have, other than a glitch from the IRS.

justmakingthebest's picture

I agree. SD filed something wrong and the IRS hasn't caught it yet. From what I understand, they won't come back on anyone who was given the stimulus mistakenly since it was all in such a rush and the chances of her getting triggered for an audit when she made so little is slim to none. 

**As long as she didn't get EIC as well. If she filed and got EIC I could see that trigger her for one since she is claimed by a parent.**

Chmmy's picture

My brother in law is an accountant and does all of our taxes.  If he filed her as independent it was a mistake.  I really feel like this was a glitch like lieutenant says or a loophole because the IRS site speaks of children 16 and under and adults 18-22 claimed as dependents but no mention of age 17.  Not all 17 year olds work and they are in high school.  I really feel like the parents of 17 year olds should have got the $500.  I'm not complaining for my self because we have not been hit financially by the pandemic at all.  Im considering using some of the money we were entitled to but didn't really need and use it in my community to help others who were hit hard.  We live in a school district where 75-80% of students are eligible for free lunch so I'm sure my community has been hit hard.  DH will probably want to geive the extra money to the skids because he thinks they are most deserving.  

lieutenant_dad's picture

We have a local charity that works with the foster care system to grant "wishes" for the kids in care. I have a big heart for the teens and young adults who are in the system or recently aged out. They've has several requests recently for these kids, from gift cards to buy food to minutes on their phone to new clothes and shoes. It's things they typically bought for themselves, but many have lost their jobs or had hours cut, so they're struggling.

The worst, most recently, was the group needed air mattresses, pillows, sheets, toiletries, etc because some of these teens didn't have a placement and were sleeping in the office. I nearly cried.

So, a big chunk of my money recently has gone to that. Like you, I can afford it right now, and I just can't imagine being in such a place right now.

Chmmy's picture

My brother worked with foster kids in a group home for years with kids aged 5-12.  When he left them to go to an adolescent home, he knew it was not a good future for them.  That is a great place to donate LD!  The home he worked for was overwhelmed at times with gifts and donations but as the kids get older those kind of things get less and less.

Chmmy's picture

Thank you.  Still doesn't explain why SD got the payment.  A glitch on the part of the IRS or a mistake on her taxes.