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Chmmy's picture

It's so sad to read these blogs.  I read about another divorce today. Definitely a fear I will lose my DH. Ive been married 6 months together over 2 years. I see my future in some of these stories. Skids that grow up with no consequences and are not functional adults. We cant live like this forever with me constantly the bad guy, criticizing the skids, trying to set rules or consequences that DH cant follow through with and then the defensiveness sets in or he tries criticizing my kids who never lived with us and are college grads, independent, functional adults. Are they perfect, no but please this is not a competition and if it was sorry my kids win. I know one or more of his 4 kids will always cause us problems. I hate being a step parent. The expectations are so high but the reward is so low.

Im already prepping a little for divorce. I have premarraige money that Im hiding. Ive explained to my son why...if something happens to me I want my premarraige money to go to my kids not my skids. Also if I divorce I will need that money as I gave up a big chunk of income to stay home with the skids as DH made twice as much as me even when I worked full time.

It makes me sad to read this stuff but I keep coming back. I feel like it's good for me to get a dose of reality. 

Happy Friday all! The younger skids are going with BM for 36 hrs this wknd. Wow we usually get less than 24


SteppedOut's picture

Why do you have to stay home with the skids? What did he do before you? You shouldn't be giving up all that income for someone else's kids (kids that don't sound like they are very well behaved). ESPECIALLY since you have thoughts of divorce. 

Chmmy's picture

For now Im helping out by getting the kids off to school in the morning and am disengaged most of the rest of the day, although Christmas break is coming so we will see what is expected.

I have recently disengaged in the morning also where I just wake them & give ss his pill and go upstairs because SS11 snuck out with out a coat which in itself was no big deal but he was sneaky about it and he hid the coat in the garage. I set a consequence for being sneaky. DH talked to him and ss apologized. Consequence was set and DH didnt follow through so now DH gets a consequenc. Im done in the mornings now too

I may go back to work

tallmom67's picture

Yes feel I you girl I’m in the same boat and I’ve been married for three years to an enabling disengaged parent bc it’s easier to give in than make the child experience consequences for his poor choices.  I’m the bad cop again right now too and my husband is giving me the silent treatment since weds that’s his go to every time.  I make rules and dish out consequences him and his son are the victims bc I lost it when I couldn’t take it anymore of homeschooling my son and him making little effort to do the work and falling asleep at the computer disrespectful back talk. he’s going to a regular Hs in Jan but the damage my husband has caused of undermining me in front of his son. If a child had no structure or discipline and of course a pat on the back when it’s earned will have a dysfunctional adult life.  Have you tried counseling for yourself.  We were talking divorce after 6 months due to his ways of course I’m not perfect by any means but how much is enough when our fights are on repeat ,  one of my replies to my post was I married beneath me that’s the truth and beyond I feel that way most of the time.  I’m working on my business to be prepared for the possibility of a future divorce and the just in case.  Order of priorities the almighty first yourself and then the children.  Putting your wife last waves the red flags. Do we really listen to them?

thinkthrice's picture

me flashbacks:

"the defensiveness sets in and he starts criticizing my adult bios who have never lived with us..."