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(just for fun) Most Likely To....

Chmmy's picture

For those of us with High School or Middle School age skids (or any age really), what would your skid be voted in school for the yearbook? and why if you'd like to leave an explanation.

SD17  Most likely to be married, two or three kids and divorced by age 25. (Where do you think she'll want to live?  Daddddeeeeeee)

SS13  Most likely to be a registered sex offender (hopefully in jail to get him out of my house)

SS11  Most likely to be fired from one job after another due to his need to be funny and the center of attention and never actually wants to work. is her 21st birthday so I'm going to be nice to her.  She didn't graduate HS on time, but she works as a waitress and makes ok money and goes to school.  I think she is a 3rd year freshman, maybe sophomore, but I think she is doing a little better or DH just stopped sharing his frustrations with me about paying for her schooling even though she drops or fails every semester.  She is having a better year because she transferred to a tech school instead of community college and she is paying for part of it.


strugglingSM's picture

Overly-Dramatic SS - Most likely to live with his mother for life. Most likely to blame all his mistakes and failures on others.

Anxious SS - most likely to be perceived as a creep because he's always hovering in corners.

Chmmy's picture

I wish my skids would live with their mother for life.  Nope they hate their step father more than me so DH and I get them all.

SteppedOut's picture

You should find out why they hate SF and start acting more like him - only over the top. Make them hate you more. 

Chmmy's picture

They hate SF because BM moved him on a weekend when the skids were at DHs, this was before we were dating, she gave them no warning just "my new bf lives here now and by the way he has 3 kids who will be here every weekend".  They were in a 3 bedroom townhome, so 9 people in 3 bedrooms.  You can imagine it was fun so when BM got evicted she decided to not take the skids with her and she left them on the street with their stuff so DH could go pick them up.  When he got there she didn't even get out of the moving truck to say goodbye, she just waved goodbye to her 4 crying kids on the street.  They don't hate SF, they hate what their mother did to them because of SF.

Kee-khe's picture

SD9- most likely to fail at multiple relationships due to being abusive and end up a single mom to multiple Babydaddies while living in a ghetto hood. Just like her grandmother, mother, and aunts.

SteppedOut's picture

My formerSO's son will likely be in and out of jail, living with and being supported by daddeeeeee when out, until he ultimately ends up in prison.

His daugter will end up dropping her lapdog bf that works like a slave to support her ghetto chic style when some rich guy takes an interest (she is pretty, but black as night soul). She will likely become a kept wife until she is married long enough to take him for half. And then on to the next money bag, er, I mean man. She will never work a day in her lavish life. Probably become a GUBM to increase her earning potential. 

advice.only2's picture

So far the only thing about Spawn I have been wrong is she hasn't had a kid yet.  But she's addicted to weed and alcohol.  Can't keep a job and chooses the absolute losers to shack up with and try to get knocked up.  

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

OSD will probably have a baby before she is out of HS, she will use her looks to hook one guy after another,  use them for whatever they can give her until she either moves on to the next better option  or they dump her because she is shallow, and too much drama.  She will stalk and harass any man that dare dumps her and torment any new prospective GF. She will have few female friends because of her drama and need to be the center of attention,  but she will tell herself its because other woman are just jealous. She will land good jobs by sleeping with the boss, until she gets fired for inappropriate relationships at work or causing problems with coworkers.

YSD will probably be extremely successful,  at what Im not sure.  But although she is a pain and most days and she makes my blood boil, she is independent,  driven,  passionate and not intimidated by anyone or anything and I have a lot of respect for her.

thinkthrice's picture

OSS stb 23.5 Messed up for life.  Career: clerk at low rent grocery store and living off of GF who has an actual real career in nursing.  Once volunteered to be a human punching bag.  What can I say?

SD 21.5 Klepto. Animal Torturer and patho liar/mean girl.  Flunked out of community college in less than six weeks.  Probably collecting UIB after a furniture selling job that it sure seems she got fired from.  Sure did look like she was running a fencing operation through OSS's FB marketplace.

YSS 17.  Pothead, druggy, vid gamer, wannabe eminem and abject academic failure.  Most likely to wear orange.

Cooooookies's picture

SS17 - Most likely to be the unpaid "professional" PS4 gamer.


Eve-Bee's picture

Covert narc SD20 is most likely to find a really nice guy that puts her first, fights for her, and helps her through the difficult time she is going through. She will demand all his time and isolate him from his friends because of a dire need for support in special circumstances, he of course, as the nice guy he is, will drop everything and help her out. She will not appreciate him, cheat and demand more and more from him. 

Until he realizes that he is in an abusive relationship, that is one-sided, he will always give, and she does not give anything even though she talks a lot about how she will next time. Her difficult time and special circumstances are not momentary, rather a constant state of SD. Then when he starts to reconnect with friends and family and starts healthy boundaries and sees SD for the terrible person she is. *Bang* she will get pregnant, and use the child against him, to get continued attention and support from him. 

She will live the lazy freeloading life she wants, of course, she will only use the child for attention or money, and spend most of her days out drinking getting attention from guys on her sexiness (read sluttiness). 

justmakingthebest's picture

SS would be most likely to stay in his nothing, no stoplight town so that he can forever be big fish in the little pond while collecting disability for a disease that he doesn't actually have just like his mommy.

BS- Most likely to cure cancer but forget his pants (we have been teasing him about  this since he was 5)

I don't have one for my DD yet... she is still a tough nugget to crack.

Ispofacto's picture

Killjoy16:  a lesbian, most likely to marry some poor sucker for appearances and money, and treat him very badly.  also most likely to appear on My 400 Pound Life.