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Cancel visits?

Chmmy's picture

I wonder if BM will cancel this weekend because she doesn't want the kids bringing Coronavirus to her house. Must be nice to live in a child free home. I dint think she's seen the kids in the last 3 weeks. 


strugglingSM's picture

I was thinking about how I don't want Skids to come to my home this weekend because I don't even think BM knows what coronavirus is and Skids never seem to wash their hands.

I may self-quarantine in my room while they are here! 

tog redux's picture

Yeah, I was thinking - the consensus on here is generally that the NCP doesn't have to have visitation if the kids are sick; although in this case, the kids aren't sick, so that's ridiculous.

Chmmy's picture

Kids aren't sick but she looks for excuses to ditch them and as soon as the kids get wind of an excuse they are dying to stay home. 

NotThatTypical's picture

No they don't have to. The NPC doesn't ever have to exercise visitation.

They should though. When they refuse to the show they arent equal parents. If it's your time to be responsible for the kids be responsible for them. Its ok to ASK the other parent to keep them. It's ok to find someone else to take them. But just refusing is a pretty low thing.

Kids get sick. It's part of being a parent and BOTH parents should handle it.

Of course if a professional is saying different you comply.... if a doctor says bed rest you do what the doctor says that should be a given.

This isnt just for this illness.