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Anyone in the mental health field?

Chmmy's picture

I know there's a few of you out there. Can anyone give me an idea what could be wrong with SD17?

She narcissistic, manipulative, mean spirited, uses people and discards, very fake. These traits also  belong  to her mother. 

She was very close to her sister, SD20. "Sd20 bring me food, give me a ride, take me to get my eyebrows, nails or hair done, etc". Now that sd17 has a job & a license its " fck you SD20, I can't stand you, your a fat pig," she treats everyone like crap that cant do anything for her anymore. She has done that to many more  people. 

She puts on her fakeness around certain family and acts like a bitch around others. Her aunt told me wow I had no idea what a mean bitch she could be after sd 17 told her off. This was the aunt that took her to her 1st gyn appt because BM is useless. Took her on family vacations with her husband  and daughter. I guess sd is done with her now too.

Here is what makes me think sd has a disorder. She acts out for attention. She does passive aggressive things to aggravate. She starts bullshit EVERY TIME SHE DOESNT GET HER WAY!! Three times in the last year she was told  no.  All three times we almost had to call 911 for her psycho behavior. My DuH tries to give her love, affection , positive attention. She's  not interested but she craves conflict and negative attention. She smirks when she gets a rise out of someone and Im sure she was creaming in her pants when she heard DuH and I fighting over her passive aggressive shit she pulled this weekend.

Besides piss poor parents and child of divorce what is wrong with her? Yes her mom moved and daddeeeee had to take them in but that is no excuse for her behavior. I'd appreciate any insight or even just a name of a disorder that I can look up. It seems to be more than just narcissism. The need to get a rise out of people is off the charts.

EDIT: I should also mention she has a small tumor on her pituitary gland that I worry could affect her brain or her hormones. She didnt get her period until she was 16 despite being well endowed. She had to go on the pill to start her period. 


shellpell's picture

Why isn't our resident "therapist" commenting to help you? She is an expert, after all.

crazycatlady1's picture

Thank GOD she moved out and onto her next victims. (DH packed her stuff on her birthday and told her that she since won't follow the rules she can go).  It has been heaven since that time. SD18 was diagnosed with ODD (opposital diffiance disorder). But I call it is they are a user of people, when they get what they want out of people they tell them what they really think of  them. SD18 has no remorse after one of her tirades, she used to laugh when she made people cry. 

Chmmy's picture

I don't know how she would ever get properly diagnosed. She goes to therapy by herself. Actually she only went one time. I'm sure she went in and told her sad story... poor me. 

susanm's picture

I am not a therapist or any sort of mental health professional.  And my understanding is that no diagnosis could be made even by a professional without an in-person exam of the patient anyway.  But I do have a question. 

When did it move to being a mental disorder rather than just being an a$$hole when it comes to certain classes of people?  I don't see a lot of the women on this board discussing the care with which their own frustrated outbursts are met following objective examples of disrepect or outright abusive behavior by family members.  They are just called "difficult", "bad", and "b*tch."  Yet everyone else in the family unit, from the youngest skid to the oldest MIL and everyone in between, gets a pass straight out of the self-help section of Barnes and Noble.  Is the message that others are suffering from mass-induced mental illness and must be given nothing but endless tea and sympathy by those of us who have the misfortune of remaining in possession of our sanity?

I don't know about the rest of you but I am more than a bit tired of it.  If I am just a b*tch, why is it wrong of me to consider someone else an a$$hole?

Jcksjj's picture

I agree with all of this. I do think at times there are legitimate mental health reasons for behaviors, but a lot of the time people just suck. 

Also, one thing that drives me absolutely insane is that when there is a bully people actually tend to feel MORE sorry for the bully and give the attention to them with excuses for their behavior and "oh they must be hurting if they behave like that." And the victim kind of gets dismissed into the background. So what if they are hurting too (I dont think that's always the case honestly), most people dont take it out on others when they are hurt.

Chmmy's picture

Parenting sucks. Nothing is wrong with my kid and if there is it's not their fault.

My kids dad commit suicide in 2014 when the kids were a freshman & junior in college. They went on to get degrees and good jobs. I do know they are hurting at times but never once did I hear poor me. After getting his masters in engineering management and searching for a job for 9 months, ds25 found a job,  moved from KY to MI and got hit by a bitch with no license because of a dui or 2. He was out of work for months and now he is back to work part time and struggling and seeing neurologists and therapists and taking meds every day to help him through the day. Never once did I hear poor  me. I hear this sucks often but never a pity party.