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SS visit

Cheyenne's picture

SS came home today for a whole hour. The last time he was here was last Saturday. So he comes in and says hi and then goes outside to smoke. Then he asked where his dad was and I replied he has gone out. Then he watched tv for a hour and talked to his brother and then left again without saying goodbye. I just don't get it, he probably came to get clothes again. I just hate it because he has a key and just walks in and out whenever. This needs to stop. Whenever I talk to DH, he says you just hate him and never listens.


rainbow bright83's picture

Whenever I talk to DH, he says you just hate him and never listens. <---- I hate that!!!!
My DH would say this to me all the time about sd19. Like once it was said these words would magically make me feel bad/shut me down. Well I finally got sick of that and the last time he said those words to me I said "Yeah I do!". Our feelings are valid! Ugh! MEN can be so thick headed.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Good grief. Then I would have one more conversation about the skids with DH telling him I'm disengaging.

simifan's picture

Give a key to your BFF or sister. Have her stop by when you are not home but you know DH will be. Have her collect random things from your bedroom and kitchen. Bet it doesn't happen more then twice before he freaks out. Your answer is of course "you just hate my BFF" sometimes I your face thinking is necessary.

simifan's picture

Give a key to your BFF or sister. Have her stop by when you are not home but you know DH will be. Have her collect random things from your bedroom and kitchen. Bet it doesn't happen more then twice before he freaks out. Your answer is of course "you just hate my BFF" sometimes I your face thinking is necessary.

Cheyenne's picture

That is so funny. SS is 25 and moved in in October. He is supposedly living here but hasn't slept here in 2 weeks. I think he is staying with his ex girlfriend but he denies this.

DH is seeing SS tomorrow, I think I need to have a discussion with him about getting the key back. This is going to be a huge argument but I'm sick of getting walked all over all the time.