Just the usual
I made plain rice and plain chicken for SD who is a picky eater. She per usual sat in the living room watching a movie and of course didn't eat.
DH and I are of course done eating. I came to the bedroom to relax. And DH followed me.
SD is still taking her sweet ass time to eat. And now DH is negotiating with her on how much to eat. Like what?!
And then he's invited her to come snuggle with us in my fucking bed.
No, I don't want to snuggle. I want to relax.
I'll probably get up and watch my damn show.
- Cbarton12's blog
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Tell him NO. No skids in your
Tell him NO. No skids in your bed. Take a stand.
Ugh. I almost broke up with DH
over food issues and the skids while we were dating. Same thing, too. Had to be plain, they took forever, and he negotiated. Oh, and half an hour later when they asked for ice cream they got it.
He talked a good game and I thought it was BM and he just needed my support to turn around the eating habits. Nope. Five long years until I snapped and told them to cut it the F out, that they were done. You know what? They stopped. All it took was someone to call them out.
Snuggle in bed with you?? No
Snuggle in bed with you?? No way. I don’t mind skids ON the bed - sometimes - but IN my bed? No effing way. Never. They can snuggle somewhere else.
I can’t stand the food issues. DH used to give them whatever they wanted but I’ve put a stop to it. No you’re not having sweets & crisps before dinner or instead of lunch, and I don’t care if you ‘don’t like’ what I’ve made. You liked it a few days ago & this isn’t a restaurant.
Guilty Daaaddeeees
hate parenting. Your DuH is one of them. I had the same fights with Chef.
whatever happened to "you'll eat what is put in front if you...if you don't then you can go hungry!"
If he snuggles with her in bed then you can watch your show. Tell him how UN sexy snuggling in your bed is and offer the love birds the sofa.
Mmmm. Rice and chicken. One
Mmmm. Rice and chicken. One of uber picky eater skid’s favorite meals.
Other favorites:
- spaghetti (sans marinara sauce) + French bread (sans garlic, any trace of herbs, or brown toasted marks).
- P.F. Chang’s Orange chicken (sans the orange sauce).
- fast food fries + couple bites of cheeseburger or chicken nuggets.
- the most expensive thing at a restaurant (usually steak + lobster) uneaten.
I hate going out to eat with picky eater skid (12) with a burning passion.
Did she end up snuggling in your bed last night!?
Yes he did! I ended up
Yes he did! I ended up falling asleep for a bit because they were playing a stupid game on DH's phone.
I woke up from my nap and left to watch my show in the living room.
Then after SD was to put to bed in her own bed, DH blew up at me for leaving claiming he had been trying to be with me? How? By ignoring me and fiddling with a game on his phone with SD? Oh yeah totally felt like he wanted to be with me. Wtf
Flashbacks from hell
My YSS was such a picker eater. He wouldn’t eat hamburgers or hotdogs but he sure would scarf down the most expensive ribeye steak on a menu. I have one BS and three SS’s. Early in when we were all together and going out to eat, he would ask them where they wanted to go!!! Now it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out you will never get 4 boys to agree on anything let alone a restaurant. So what would happen is, DH would take forever trying to convince them all to agree. One would end up mad and refusing to eat and one would cry. My BS would be in total shock about the whole shit show and only one kid would be happy!
i finally lost it on him while we were still dating. I can’t believe I actually had to point out the chaos he was creating by asking that one stupid question. I made it clear he was tha adult and to stop asking their opinion. He finally got it but only after I nearly lost my mind!
And hell no to the kid snuggling in my bed. Tell
him to snuggle her in her own bed, which is just as creepy.
This gives me flashbacks from
This gives me flashbacks from hell too.
Heck, I still cringe at the thought of going out to eat with skid when she’s here for visitation. On top of that, I feel skid sets a horrible example for our almost 4 and 5.5 year old children who have way better eating habits than her.
Lastly, it’s sorta embarrassing, because servers often end up asking skid, sitting in front of a plate full of food, if it wasn’t good or okay.
Yeah I hate that. Even on the
Yeah I hate that. Even on the off chance that we pick somewhere she likes, she still picks at her food. She doesn't come near finishing it and DH will still ask for a to-go box just so It can sit in my fridge untouched.
Some of these reminded me of DHs first dinner with DS
The first time he went out with me and my DS was to a fancy restaurant. I could see DH (then my BF) was really wondering how this would go with a 9yo.
To his shock and amazement (and because his kids are such picky eaters the shock and awe was greater) my 9yo son ate raw oysters on the half shell. Had never had them before but wanted to try, didn't cry, no gagging, no negotiating, and also ate a full adult meal.
Disengage from the picky
Disengage from the picky eating! I went through it with OSD (she's almost 16 and still eats like a toddler) and somewhat still with YSD.
* do not make special meals for picky eater. If you must, do separate pieces of the meal, like serve spaghetti/meatballs in three bowls: spaghetti/meatballs/sauce so picky people don't ruin YOUR choices. EDIT: If it's too bad, then stop cooking altogether - your DH can do it. I do this every so often, esp. if I find myself cooking too many meals in a row.
* if DH chooses to feed picky eater at other times, ignore. DH would buy gallons of ice cream for OSD because "she's got to eat something."
* if it's really bad, avoid going to restaurants with them. I never, ever want to do this. Neither SD, to this day, can order off a menu by themselves (well, YSD is getting better slowly, but STILL!).
* do not shop for special food for them, that's 100% on DH.
And your DH doesn't get to invite her into your bed w/out your permission too! I mean, jeez! No!
More than not, I pass when DH
More than not, I pass when DH asks me if I want to go out to dinner with skid and his parents. He used to throw tantrums that I didn’t want to engage with all of them, but told him I was perfectly fine with him taking our two young children and enjoying his time with skid and his parents. He was so hell bent on thinking it was some sort of backhanded behavior on my part, but I promise I simply just had zero desire to go. I still don’t.
My in-laws rarely cook and eat out 90% of the time. No exaggeration. So, we are asked quite a bit to go out and eat with them and skid over the summer. Out of the 8 weeks she’s here, I will go once, maybe twice.
Wow, that kid is ruling the
Wow, that kid is ruling the roost wtf?! DH needs to grow some balls!