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My fdh told me something that touched my heart about fss

cantmissamy's picture

As you all know we are going to meet my family this weekend, and I have been having issues with wondering what kind of step mom that I am going to be. I had been thinking about spending a week away to spend time with my family and when I asked fdh about it he said no.. When I asked him why I could not go, he said fss told him that out of all the people in his life that really cared for him the one who loved him the most was not even his real mom.. Talk about tears in my eyes when I heard that. I have had my doubts about this step mom thing, but hearing that makes me really believe that I am doing something right here. I know fss has been through alot with dbm and she has let him down alot when it comes to things. Please everyone who reads this dont give up when it comes to the step parent thing. I was so close to calling it quits and then all it took was one simple thing to change my whole attitude here. Thank you everyone for being here for me, and I really love reading your advice and your comments. Keep them coming.


Jon-Boy's picture

You are a visionary.
You see great outcome, from small positive gestures. These are the ingredients that make step parents seem more like real parents.

You will be a great influence!
Stay true to your visionary thinking and watch miracles happen!

srangel112's picture

But please don't forget to take care of you and spend time with your family. I have been there, too, and two weeks ago I finally saw my mom, on my own, after not seeing her for almost a year. (DH and I saw her about a month ago, but that doesn't count) I had so much fun being with my mom and sister. This is also gave DH and SS5 a chance to have father/son time. He missed me a whole lot more, but I sure needed the time to get away from the drama. It was only for 24 hours, but it was well needed.

luckykell's picture

I'm glad you had that moment, trust me you will treasure it! I had mine with Scooty before FDH and I were even engaged. She and I had a 'girls weekend' while FDH was at work, and we went to the movies with one of her little friends. One of her friends said something about her 'mom' (talking about me) and Scooty said, no Luckykell is my stepmom. She called me that before anyone had told her that's what I was going to be, she's 5! We didnt' even know she knew that word, but obviously she felt it. And when we went out to the car she said that she loved me for the first time. Like you up until that moment I was questioning the whole Stepmom thing...but that moment solidified it! Smile I'm glad you had yours!

"Live well, Love much, Laugh often."