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"I've been clean since Saturday"

BSgoinon's picture

Says BM in a text to me today.

She wants me to let SS ride his bike down to her house (about a mile) so she can see him tomorrow since she can't drive with him in the car. Somehow she and I started texting back and forth and I just straight up asked her "DO YOU NEED REHAB". She says she contacted an out patient program today. I don't think that will be enough for her. At all. She has a serious problem. I told her that based on the way she has LOOKED the past several months, I don't believe out patient is intense enough for her. So she tells me she has been clean since Saturday. I guess everyone has to start somewhere... but really?

Of course, I am keeping all of these texts for future reference if needed. If I send SS down there on his bike, it will not be supervised. So that will not happen. She needs to stay away from him until she is clean for more than a few days.


NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I've been trying to get off of sugar. and I caved and ate a donut Monday at work.

I went 9 months. 9 months of no sugar and I thought I can just have a little. I've gained 20 lbs back now and I have such a hard time eating right and I've never been a smoker or drinker or drug user that I can only imagine how hard it is with true addiction. A few days? I'm not much impressed. She could just be out of money and thats why she hasn't used. I agree that Outpatient is just going to scratch the surface.

BSgoinon's picture

I told DH, everybody has to start somewhere, but I refuse to put faith in her 3 days clean proclamation. She has made it this far in the past, she just isn't aware that we know. She needs to GO AWAY and get help.

twoviewpoints's picture

If it's just a mile and she usually only keeps him an hour or two, let her walk the mile and visit out in the yard.

You can keep on eye on the yard visit and SS can just come inside if he's had enough. She can walk back to wherever then. If she wants to see SS, she'll walk the mile. Put a couple yard chairs in the shade for them and send out a couple of cold drinks.

BSgoinon's picture

That was an option DH and I were talking about. I am not at all comfortable with her at the house, especially since DH is out of town. We will talk about it more tonight when I get off work.

KinaTina357's picture

Addicts lie a lot as well. My BM was always telling the kids she has been sober for 12 days or 6 days here and there. You could see her misspelled rants on FB at 1 in the morning that would make you think otherwise. And I don't agree with letting the skid see her unsupervised. Even if it is on your lawn. If she falls of the wagon again, you are just enabling the off and on relationship they will have until she gets sober. Plus who knows what will come out of her mouth sober or not. She's probably still a little loopy even if she is clean 3 days.

kathc's picture

She just gets worse and worse. Hopefully someday she will decide cleaning up and having a relationship with her child is worth more to her than the drugs.