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Braven's picture

Who gets bigger bedrooms? Each child will have thier own room to themselves. My two children are here full-time.  They have things in totes such as Safe keeps, toys, clothing etc. I was thinking of them having the two bigger rooms when moving into new place in order for  there are things to fit so to be organized better instead of storing their items located here n there in different rooms. Does that make sense? Skid is here every other week and does not have totes to store here nor goes to school here in our area. His dad has clothing here for him n his Xbox So therefore he has less items. Hopefully this helps to clarify the picture of the need to be met.  Opinion?


lieutenant_dad's picture

Honest question: do you actually want opinions or just us agreeing with you? Because you have already asked this question and got a mix of answers to help in this situation.

Personally, I think if your SS is spending half his life at his dad's house a and only has clothes and an Xbox that he has bigger issues than what room he gets. That's a fairly sad bedroom set up for half his life.

Braven's picture

I have no say in what he gets or his belongings. So it’s not because “I” choose it like that for him

DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

I would give the bigger rooms out to the ‘full time’ kids. However, if the skid is a lot older than the full time kids, maybe he could benefit from the bigger room. 

ndc's picture

I already gave my thoughts - draw straws - on your other thread. The fact that your kids have totes full of stuff doesn't change my answer. What might influence my thoughts is knowing the ages of the kids and the size/closet configurations of the rooms. Are we talking big disparities here?

STaround's picture

Stepkid is there every other week, old enough for Xbox, but does not go to school in the area?  So  does dad drive kid to school every day? 

Agree with others, need to know ages of all kids and more information on the rooms.  


grace8205's picture

What does your DH think? I think it is up to you both to decide. 

When my DH and I move it together into a new house my bio son was 16 and skid was 18. Skid was full time and my son was one week on one week off. The bigger room was given to skid. 

When we listed that house for sale and bought a different house, skid informed us he was moving out and did to his mothers house. The house sold in less 24 hours and we were able to move quickly. Since skid moved out I offered the larger basement bedroom to my son and he said he wanted it. 2 weeks later skid decided he wanted to move into the new house with us. Skid recieved a smaller upstairs bedroom. DH wanted me to change that, but I told him I already promised my son the basement bedroom because he son originally told us he was not moving to the new house. Since my DH would never go back on something for his son he let it be and gave his son the smaller upstairs room. 

Normally I would give the full time kids the larger bedrooms, but I would try to make the smaller room nice whether it be new bedding, furniture or something to make it more appealing. But this is something that both parents will have a agree on and it is case by case. 


Braven's picture

Yes making smallest room fresh cool n new is a great idea. DH says he does not care as long as each boy has their own room