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My life has totally changed

Bradymom's picture

So whoever reads my blog... I had a stroke over a week ago. With that I lost hearing in my left ear. I also lost my ability to know if I have to pee. So I wear diapers now. Sad I really don't know what to say about that. I have been to the dr 2 times since. I have got some feeling back in left hand. All feeling back in right hand. I'm still numb between toes. And still numb in cheek & lower lip, down to neck. I get confused a lot. Dr says nerve testing in 5-6 weeks. Then medication to restore & rebuild nerves depending on results. He wants my body to do work on it's own bc it's harsh on organs and I'm diabetic. So no driving, no showering alone. My whole life has been changed. I don't know what to say. I just needed to say it.


ltman's picture

It is a wait and see situation. Hard to be patient when your brain is doing weird stuff. Relax, don't be hard on yourself, let yourself heal.

Missmozzer's picture

Agh, that's awful! Hang in there, sending good vibes! Please take care of yourself. I'm sorry this happened to you. ):

z3girl's picture

Hang in there. It's hard to be patient, but it's the best thing. My father had a minor stroke two months ago, and he was very impatient as well. Two days after his stroke, he couldn't use his left arm at all, but two months later he is doing so much better. He goes to therapy 3 times a week. He was told total recovery would take a year, so even with a very mild stroke, patience is key. I'm so sorry you're going through this, but it will get better in time. Take care!

Justme54's picture

Hugs and prayers to you! Hang in there. One day at time and try to be positive. I am so so sorry. I know that is easy for me to see. I think there is a lot of truth in being positive.

furkidsforme's picture

Take care of yourself, and put yourself first.

Sleep well, eat well, see a chiropractor and an acupuncturist. Enjoy clean, healthy, fresh foods and get rid of all the junk, literally and figuratively!

And most of all, surround yourself with positive friends. You have many here.

Tuff Noogies's picture


(((hugs))) brady, i'm so sorry this happened to you.

it does take time for nerves to regenerate. i'm w/ furkids esp. on going to a chiropractor- keep anything from putting any pressure on the nerves coming out of your spinal column.

((hugs)) again.

luchay's picture

Hugs to you, stay strong - you can overcome this!

Take the time for your body to heal, relax and try not to stress or upset yourself over things. As others have said, stay positive and take care of YOU.

Bradymom's picture

Thank you. Trying to keep it from kids as their bio parents will have a hay day with it. It's been hard. Sad I did tell them I lost hearing in my ear. And that is all.

Pilgrim Soul's picture

So sorry to hear this, Bradymom. Is there a good rehab facility near you? You need to get a close friend to do some research for you to see if there is a place where you could get some occupational therapy, physical therapy, counseling, etc. Whatever it takes. You are young and with proper supports can recover very nicely. Please reach out to friends in order to find out where to find specialized help.

I hope your DH and the kids are helping taking good care of you.

Please post updates. I am thinking about you and sending you good vibes!

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Oh my gosh! Wow. Lots of prayers coming your way. Like others have said, take it one step at a time. Take care of yourself! Step crap should be the last thing on your mind right now.

Elizabeth's picture

Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. I can't even imagine. I agree, give your body time to heal itself, I believe you'll get the best outcome that way.