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I've got to find the strength.

Bradymom's picture

1/16 ischemic stroke due to stress.
Court next week. Cannot be changed. Been changed 2x. Motion is over a year old. Woke up today with a lot of set backs. Lots of stress. Back in a diaper. Can hardly walk today. Monday i'll go to doctor. Nothing can be done. I have to push thru. 3 days of court scheduled. I can't stop crying. Some how I feel if I could choke my mil I would feel better. Smile


JustAgirl42's picture

Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!

Did you have any other health conditions before your stroke?

Bradymom's picture


JustAgirl42's picture

Wow, that's scary that it was just caused by stress...I should have had ten of them by now.

I hope you have a lot of support.

Bradymom's picture

I can take a Valium or Xanax. But sometimes that makes me weepy. And heck no they won't protect me from attacks.

moeilijk's picture

I think ripley had some good advice for someone not so long ago - try very hard to focus on what you are doing NOW. Like, I am lying in my bed now. I am sitting up now. I am standing up now. That will help when your thoughts try to run away with you, in case that is contributing to your stress.

ltman's picture

Can you get a continuance? If not, remember you are in control of you. Anything that happens in court directly related to you is in your control. If you have to testify, take your own sweet time getting to the stand. You control you. In answering questions take time, draw out your answers, make opposing council repeat everything whether you need it or not. You control. Do you know how frustrating that can be for his lawyer. Everyone has to go at your pace. No need for speed, give yourself time to fully answer questions. You step not there to please anyone. You will not mess anything up. You have the control. You can do this. Let your lawyer do the worrying. It's what you paid for. Relax, let go.

Bradymom's picture

Thank you everyone. I was having a come-apart today. I think I am feeling better now. I am going to the doctor Monday. I can do this. I have to.