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It's been a nice vacation

Bradymom's picture

My DH is talking to his dad on the phone as I type. MIL is obsessing about not talking with us & the big push is on for Christmas. Fuck. Me. Now. If you have followed anything on my blog concerning my bat-shit crazy MIL you know the swearing is warranted. I feel like she isn't happy unless she ruling the roost. & she's so much as said that. She thinks she should be part of the decision making process because she and I will quote, "has know DH & skids longer than you" wth?!?! No really?! Ugh. I swear with all of the contention we have with the exes it's like having a 3rd. Hence the 5months plus that DH hasn't talked to her. How are your inlaws? Do normal-ish ones exist?


anotherstepmom's picture

In my first marriage to ex-H, I had awesome in-laws!! They were amazing, MIL never would have over-stepped her bounds, EVER!! She was loving to my kids, adored them really, and amazing to me. Taught me how to garden, cook, and tips on sewing, etc. A truly lovely and gracious woman. Sadly, she died young from a brain tumor.

This marriage?? My MIL is crazy and I can't seem to do ANYTHING right!! I am trying to make DH turn away from his family, don't ya know!! Ugh.

Hang in there and just keep on being you, don't take any crap!

Bradymom's picture

My ex inlaws were responsive to comments. I think early on we had a this is our family talk with exMIL and that's all it took.