If you look up the word "insolent" in the dictionary...
...there would be a picture of SS13 right next to it. Do you know that, while I was responding to one of his inane and pointless questions of the day, this boy actually said to me, "ACTUALLY, Boogeymom, I was TALKING to DAD." He is lucky he didn't get put out of the vehicle (DH was driving, and if it had been me, he would've been walking home). I just glared at him while DH said, "Well, our responses would've been exactly the same, and don't you EVER take that tone again." I can't even remember what we were talking about because my mind went blank with rage that he even DARED talk to me that way. I basically indicated that he really should just stop talking because his mouth doesn't seem to ever want to just be quiet and keep him out of trouble. His response was a VERY snotty, "Yeah, I've been hearing that a lot lately." It's also his tone that literally makes me want to just lock him in the bathroom for the entire weekend and push a tray of food in there intermittently until it's time for him to go back to BM's house. This is the same kid who, about two weeks ago, got punched out at school because his mouth was writing checks his butt couldn't cash, and the other kid tried to walk away, but SS13 kept at him until the other kid just got sick of him and socked him in the arm. I kind of want to find that kid and ask him how it felt to belt him a good one so I can live vicariously through him. He just makes me want to cuss a blue streak. >:(
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Ugh. 12-15 is an annoying
Ugh. 12-15 is an annoying age. They think parents are soo stupid and they know everything and are really snotty little shits. The teachers at my 7th grader's school yell at them a lot and the bus driver tells them to shut up or walk - and I cannot blame them at all!
I hate snotty bratty twirps, seriously. Mine popped her hip out with hand on him and pulled something a couple of times, but I am a much bigger bitch and much shorter fuse, so that was the last time she tried that.
My fat-assed asshole
My fat-assed asshole step-shit's(15) pic would be there too. Along with his stupid, blank, retarded stare