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Step-Son Issues

bmartinez's picture

Hello everyone, I am very new to this (Bloggin) about my personal life. I may still be have some troubles explaining my life in writing so bare with me. 

So I have been married for about 3 years  now to my  high school sweetheart. We started dating when I was 14 he was 17. Broke up when I was 20 and got back together when I was 23. During the 3 year period that we where seperated my now husband had a son with his partner at the time and I had a baby (Same age as my husbands son) as well. Both of our kids are now 5 years old. When we started to date again we both agreed that our kids where the most important thing and that we would prioritize them before each other. In the beggining stages of our relationship when did not meet each others kids until we decided that this is something we wanted to continue to be in a relationship. We then decided to go out to a restaurant where both of our children where going to meet and where I was going to meet my husbands son and he was going to meet my daughter. My daughter is a very shy and timid girl. She rarely makes noise and is very kept to herself.  When I met my husbands son it was a whole diffrent thing. My first impresion of him was horrible. My husband would completely ignore the fact that his 3 year old was running every where, trowing things around the restaurant, yelleing. It was a s****t show. After the initial date I tought to myself how can I deal with this? I know I have no patience for children? I felt really bad because I did not want to be like those ugly mean step moms, but how could I not the child was a mess. 

A couple months pass and now husband decided to get married. I already had a house of myself were my daughter and I lived. I was extremely happy. Shortly after our marrige it seemed that my husband brought his son around a lot more to the house and to parties. Let me tell you that it has been about 3 years and I cannot and I repeat I cannot stand that kids at all! He stays with is every other weekend coming in on Friday night and leaving sunday night and I cannot feel so unhappy when he is in our house. He trows everyhting, has destroyed my $2,000 couches, has broken my daughters toys, makes a mess in the kitchen, never says thank you or please, is extremely rude to the point of him dumping is grapes at me because he was unhappy that I told him he could not break my daughter's toys. He does not share anything feels like he deserves everything I give to my daughter. He stomps his feet every time he walks, he shouts every time instead of just speaking! His mother treats that kids like a king. He lives out of 95% Mcdonald's and 85% Ipad. He litterally carries his Ipad everywhere he goes. I fell like someone lits a fire on me when we have his son for the weekend and he expects me to cook and serve his son. 

My husband and I have a 9 month of our own, and its very difficult to see my son learn this behavior. I am afraid that my children will start acting like this. I dont know what to do. My husband defends his son like he is a saint. I dont know what to do. I dont expect my husband to just abandon his son but I cannot be dealing with his son's behavior especially around my kids. My husband has also tried to decipline him but his son is so stubborn. I think that the best thing to do is to just have my husband stay at his parents house on the weekends that he has his son so they can spend time together and I can just spend time with my children without me being upset all the time. 


CLove's picture

to Steptalk.

WELL. Sounds like hidnsight is 20/20, and you got married in rose colored glasses.

It seems like you might be in for a loooooong time of this, so read and post as much as you like.

bmartinez's picture

Hello thank you for commenting. I truly do feel bad for my husband sometimes becasue I know he does try a lot more than when we first started our relationship. I can understand him as well of how difficult it can be as a parent sometimes. But I sometimes wonder if because his son stays more time with his mother and his mother lets him do what he wants. that is why he behaves like this. My husband does offer solutions to the situation like in this case the couch. Sometimes I wonder if maybe his son might have some tpe of mental conditioin that I might not know about and maybe he needs help. 

ndc's picture

You say your husband has tried to discipline his son.  I would suggest that he hasn't tried very hard if the child is still behaving as you describe.  Has he laid out clear expectations and the consequences for not behaving as expected, and then does he consistently impose those consequences?  If not, he hasn't really tried.  It seems like the tablet might be this kid's currency.  Has your husband taken his tablet away for the weekend when he misbehaves? Has he taken some of his son's toys away when he breaks your daughter's toys?  The child may be stubborn, but your husband needs to be more stubborn when it comes to enforcing behavioral expectations.  Has he tried a parenting class?  

Having your husband do visitation outside the home is one solution, but do you really think your husband and his parents will be willing to do that?  Are YOU willing to not have a husband and for your baby not to have a father two weekends a month?  And what happens if his kid's behavior never improves and you're looking at doing this for another 13 years or so?  What happens if your husband for whatever reason gets more than EOWE custody of his son?  What happens then?

It seems to me that the better solution is to have your husband get his child under control.  I know, easier said than done, but again, I queston whether he's tried very hard to do that.  For the sake of his son and his marriage, he needs to.  If he requires professional help to do so, he should get it.  And if he cannot get his child to act in a manner you can live with, then you need to consider whether this is the way you want to live for the next couple decades. 


bmartinez's picture

Hello, thank you for the advice, to comment, yes I agree maybe my husband is not trying enough. I mean I can honestly say that he has been trying a lot more than when we first met. Do i think he is consistent with it 100% of the time? No. He might be like 80%. We both have not talked about it for sure but we know that along the way we have given priorit to each other as a couple. We always provide for our kids needs. I thin you are right about always being there 100% when it comes to the dicipline. And I would like not to have my family divided but I dont want to be upset every other weekend or annoyed about everything because of this kid. I think a profesional might be able to help him with his parenting. 


Thank you for the advice! 

ntm's picture

You went into this all wrong. 

Kids's needs come first. 

But the couple relationship has to be strong. The kids revolve around the couple, not the other way around. 

You have a husband problem. I would say that until he learns how to parent, yep, he stays somewhere else for visitation. You should have no qualms whatsoever over that. I did it about eight years too late with mine. Decided I owned the house and therefore got to choose who stepped foot inside. I was well beyond caring what he or anyone else thought about it. 

lieutenant_dad's picture

Your child will partially like his brother not because he is mimicking his brother, but because his father isn't a good parent. There are plenty of families with kids who are unruly for whatever reason and it doesn't rub off on the other kids because the PARENTS work hard to maintain order - even if there is a kis who bucks the system.

You have a DH problem. His inability to parent, combined with finding someone who believes the kids come first, means he just won't try. And if you try to address it, he'll shut you down because you aren't "first" and you agreed from the beginning not to be.

Time to rewrite the rules of the relationship. You two come first as the priority, and together the kids will grow to be strong, capable adults. If he won't agree with that, then all you're deciding is whether your marriage ends now or later.

bmartinez's picture

Thank you for the advice, I think yu are 100% right. It needs to be his responsibility for his son to respect my kids, me and husband. I do feel bad for my husband because he has tried to change the situation and I can tell just by how things where at the beggining. But he needs to put the effort for the sake of the marige and our own kids. 

Lifer33's picture

You can split your family part time as you are considering, but do you really want to do that over one brat?

Or you tell your husband that you are not tolerating the kids behaviour anymore and he needs to step up. He may be scared to thinking hell lose his son, not know how to or not want to. But the crux of the matter is you don't want this kid behaving like this. I tolerated this for three years from same age, and the brat got bigger stronger more unruly and then began to deliberately endanger my little girl. So I stepped up while husband learnt to. Tne day I just snapped, a day on holiday I was crouching down to tend to my girl and he decides to kick a heavy football at us full pelt. Luckily it hit me straight in the face not her. By god did I go mental, screamed him out and put the fear of God into him. Ever since I have disciplined him as I see fit, he gets told, and punishment dealt, whether he likes it or not. Things have improved greatly. No it shouldn't be our job to do, but if it's going to keep you together and benefit your family as a whole id at least try. 

bmartinez's picture

Thank you for sharing, it is very nice to hear it from people that have been trough very similar situations that I have. This advice really helps. 

Siemprematahari's picture

All the red flags were there when you started dating this man and you chose to ignore them.

My husband would completely ignore the fact that his 3 year old was running every where, trowing things around the restaurant, yelling. It was a s****t show.

You saw this and yet married him, why? After that you went and had a child with him and are now stuck trying to figure out how you can keep his undisciplined son away from your kids. Now you want your H to stay at his parents house on the weekends he has his son. Do you think he will agree with this and if so how long do you think this will last? Do you think this is healthy for your marriage? The fact that you have to resort to this because your H is not parenting and showing his child consequences and not disciplining his poor behavior. Yes there is a lot going on here but you also have to take accountability for looking the other way during this entire sh!t show.


bmartinez's picture

I disagree in some parts, I have tried myself to be part of helping the s**t show in calming it and being supportive towards the child and my husband for a long time until now that I feel the situation is getting out of hand. I decided I wanted to be with him no matter what because I love him and did not think that this would be such a bother to me beause I dont have to live with his son. I am now trying to figure out my other options because in my small knowledge I cant think of any which brings me here. His son at the time (3 years of age) I figured is was a phase because he was little. Not knowing that when he is now 5 years old he was going to be a complete mess. I mean i do have to agree that it has to be on my husband and his BM to teach him, there is so much that his BM and DH permits me to do. But then again if we are only teaching him the 20% of the time and then the other 80% of the time he is with his mother and she care nothing for him then IDK what my other options are. 

Thanks for responding!