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Yes! A job interview at the hospital Friday morning-and SD17 is revealed!

bewitched's picture

Things are more hopeful today-I had an interview at a motel this morning for night auditor-they said they'd call as soon as they train the current one in housekeeping. And another motel has an opening for desk clerk that I applied for today. But the best is-I have an interview with the hospital Friday morning! I'm so excited. Maybe the A&P class will help me get the job.

Then I get my life back-fast!

Regarding SD17. H has been in a horrible mood the last couple of days. Today he finally told me what's going on. It seems that evidently one of the kids that goes to school with her sent him an email. It had a link to a MySpace video. Starring SD17, and the girl who keyed her car! Seems like it was title F-----g Wh--es (only it had the words, not dashes), and it was SD17 and this girl-again, the one who keyed her car, dancing and singing, SD17 humping on the girl (full clothed at least) and calling each other the names of a couple of other girls in her class. SD17 was apparently saying "F--K Me, guess it was real nasty.

So evidently H called her to have it out about it. Did he hear embarrassment? No. Did he hear an "I'm sorry, Dad." Of course not. All she did is start screaming about the car!

So now he's all apologetic. How sorry he was he didn't believe me when I told him how she acts. How he didn't believe me, and believed her, and how now he sees how she was trying to cause trouble in our marriage.

Know what H? Sorry your daughter is a ho. Sorry you had to see that. But it's too late, the damage has been done in this marriage. H raised a vicious, mean spoiled b==ch, and all he does is blame his ex when he's just as responsible for what this girl turned out to be. I told him how many times I considered just divorcing him over her-that I couldn't fathom spending the rest of my life being treated like crap in my own home. But he thinks a little "sorry" undoes it all. Not so much.

So thank you all for your answers to my what would you do post-hopefully, I won't have to sell anything, because hopefully I'll have a job, right here in this little town, where I can continue to help my folks, within a couple of weeks at the latest! Smile

Oh, and bye bye H.


belleboudeuse's picture

So good to hear about the job possibilities. And especially that you're staying strong regarding H. You rock!


- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)

TinaKay's picture

nothing but trouble on that site.

and it seems like classless punks on there, she was humping a girl ?

so much class.
I used myspace too to see what sd was like and in her head. Blew me away and it shocked her bio dad. At least we now know.
sd here is a ho too but she is also evil and plotting revenege, wants to screw with people and her father. She is crazy I think, actually insane.
She has some nasty pictures too and thinks she's "hot". She is a damn fool. lol
I do not think she will ever be anything but a ho as she has many issues like her biological mother. They even got matching tats ! hahaha

Most Evil's picture

1. fingers crossed for interview!
2. SD video - priceless!!!

I am sure DH will try to suck up now when he realizes he is in trouble - can you resist??!! Wink

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

Sasha's picture

I'm glad you're getting're one step ahead of me! So I will definitely keep my fingers crossed for you!

I have to say I'm glad that H is getting a look at the real SD. And I agree...his little sorry is too little, too late.

Tara12's picture

Hey Girl good luck getting that job - can't wait for the post that DH got the BOOT!!!!!

Don't worry you WILL find something you are too good of a person - you will see things WILL work out for you!!!

sweetthing's picture

all my positive thoughts & prayers. I know that one of these jobs will work out & then you will get your life back.Good luck!

sarahbernheart's picture

and empowered!! knock'em dead BW

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

JMC's picture


Good luck on the job interviews ~ got you in my thoughts and prayers and crossing my fingers too!

As for SD17, your description of her fits my SD17 to a tee - the only difference is DH doesn't blame BM for SD17's horrible behavior - she's just "misunderstood" and it's everyone else who's wrong...poor little SD17! It's good your DH got to see first hand from another source just what a wonderful young lady he's raised - NOT! Like my SD17, she's probably not going to change anytime soon. It's a horrible strain on a marriage, but some DH's just don't get it - these monsters they've created will eventually be long gone and so will the SM's who've put up with way more than they should have - who's to blame? I wonder every day if I should cut my losses and run; SD17's soon to be an adult, but will that change anything? I doubt it will, but I'm torn between leaving or sticking it out and hoping it will get better. I guess time will tell, but I really hate the waiting game.