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The numbing unfairness of H's anger

bewitched's picture

On the phone with H this morning. He told me he wanted to go to Texas and buy a lot this spring. Ummm, we did that last year. He made a down on a lot on Ebay :jawdrop: sight unseen, and of course it was up to me to get our money back when it wasn't a location we would want.

So, when he brought it up again this morning, I brought up (nicely) the $4,300.00 in back taxes he owes on his house here. He started screaming at me! Screaming yelling because I refused to put the $4,300 on my credit card for back taxes on HIS house that he owes twice what it's worth. We have the cash to pay off those taxes...but HE doesn't want the money HE earned to go to pay off HIS debt-oh, he thinks he's smart, allright. Put it all on MY credit card, then if we split I'd be stuck paying off HIS taxes for HIS house.

So yelling and screaming, he said guess we can sell the Jeep :jawdrop: to pay off those taxes. My response? Fine. I'll sell it today-but I want MY car back! Oh, no we can't take that car back because it's SD17's. Screw him.

I told him to grow up...that really really pissed him off. Looks like it will be another great weekend with DH (not dear husband, BTW).


Endora's picture

You are an idiot to put that on YOUR credit card so he can stick it to you IF he leaves?

Whatever you do -DO NOT PAY HIS TAXES!

Screaming at you-ARGHH

Hope you go do something nice for yourself this weekend -without him!

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
off before we married. Because he had such a bad financial reputation and I knew it. He PROMISED me over and over again that he had everything cleared up.

Not so much. And now if he has his way, my good credit will be down the tubes. I worked hard and did without for all my life to keep my credit up...and I'll be damned if I'll ruin it because a man doesn't want to use HIS money to pay HIS debts.

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
I believe that as the youngest - tho he was a twin-his mother brought him up feeling "entitled". Yep. This is the result of being raised as having the world revolve around him.

So this is what we have to look forward to when our entitled skids get in their 40's!

Anyway, he called back and apologized...but told me not to bring up finances again!

Think the only reason I got the apology was I asked a question:

Is this how you (H) want me to act towards you about money when I'm done with school and earning a great salary?

Gave him something to think about.

Sia's picture

whatever.....HE'S the one who brought it up anyway! I still say he's smokin something or he's mentally unstable. I think the entitlement thing is part of it, but it is also a part of a mental illness.
I hope you can get away from him soon!

sam's picture

sell your jeep and take back your car from sd and let him pay for a new car for her!!!

Sasha's picture

He's not looking for a partner...he wants a sugar momma that will finance all his grandiose schemes. Let's put aside the fact that he's trying to make you responsible for debts he incurred before you two were even married, and even the fact that he's trying to punish you for not going along with his idea, but does he not consider the extra costs involved with putting this kind of debt on your credit card in the form of interest? Why is he refusing to pay off his taxes owed on HIS house?

He definitely sounds bipolar to me. You stick to your guns and refuse to pay his debt. Protect yourself, because he has no interest in your financial well-being or security.