I am the BEAST MASTER! :)
I love this...I am so going to miss my son...he's leaving the end of the week. But all is well. I wouldn't have him be in a position to have to depend on his mother; that wouldn't be much of a life.
But he really made me laugh tonite. We were sitting in the living room, Max laying on the floor, Arial (my cat) hanging out. BS looked at me and said "I tell everyone I was raised by the Beast Master". Well, ok. I've always had more than my share of furry friends around-I take in the lost, adopt the homeless. And Max is huge for a Golden-like 100 lbs huge. And I've always had a special affinity for animals...my love for them is always returned 10 fold.
Beast Master! I like that. I'd even change my steptalk name to that if it wasn't for the initials--I sure don't want to be referred to as BM here :jawdrop:
- bewitched's blog
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Sons can say some of the
funniest things to thier mommas can't they?
Are you sure he was referring to the animals? I'd be willing to bet he was talking about DH and the infamous SD!!!!!!!!!
******Mountain Dew and Beer is what makes me a better step mom.
Oh and
since you are the beast master, think you could come wrangle down beast bitch for me?
******Mountain Dew and Beer is what makes me a better step mom.
I was thinking
like stepmomjen, that maybe your son is talking about DH, SD and the animals you have. Some can be tamed, some can't.
oh vick u have a boxer too??!!
arent they just the sweetest???!!!
bewitched, funny u shud say that bc i actually thought about changing my screen name to bella mama, but didnt want anyone using BM for short when posting to me!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
Fur and nose prints
Ever since I have lived on my own I have always had animals my son calls me a clown though because he always thinks our dogs act like circus animals. My boy dog actually balances himself on my big exercise ball it is hysterical. I have fur everywhere with my dogs and I have a lot of glass in my house and there are SNOUT prints everywhere. I vacuum and people come over and it doesn't matter when they get up they are covered somewhere with fur. Oh well!
I Love
animals around they are so much fun.We have a pot belly pig named petunia,a horse named chester and 2 dogs named max and peanut they are lab shepards.We live on a farm and people drive by our house and slow down just to get a look at petunia we call her side show bob LOL.
Sam I am so jealous
I want to live on a farm!!! I love horses!!! And pigs!!! And lions and tigers and bears oh my!!!
I live in the desert and it sucks! Not enough greenery!
Oh, the hair and nose prints-I totally identify
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
First-Max has fine, long hair. It floats all over the place.
Arial-also, long long hair.
Then there's the Jack Russell of H's. Short-white-hair. And the poor dog has anxiety problems, and it makes him shed like there's no tomorrow.
And they all live IN the house. So, when I'm not on here venting away, not studying, guess what I'm doing? Yep. I have a wonderful relationship with Kirby.
Dh and I just got a
Siberian Husky. He's the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life! The net says that twice a year he sheds off 90% of his hair though. That will be a fun time of the year! LOL
******Mountain Dew and Beer is what makes me a better step mom.
Most of the time I would
Most of the time I would rather be around animals than people. They don't lie to you or try to make you feel bad. They just give unconditional love and they're always happy to see you.