it's 5 o'clock somewhere...let happy hour begin!
in lite of all the events that have transpired here over the past couple days, and in homage to steve and the other "long-timers", i suggest we get back to the one thing we all (well, most) have in common...our love of booze!! everyone grab a glass of their favorite libation and lets celebrate the wkend! im still at work, but its gotta be close to quittin time for some of u. ive got a party tonite so i'll be enjoying some fantastic wine. i'll raise a glass to all my steptalk pals...cheers! who's in?!
- bellacita's blog
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I'm in!!!!!
I'm with ya girl - I'm
I'm with ya girl - I'm having dinner with a friend after work and will most definitely be partaking in a few glasses of wine myself!!
Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin
Tuscanlady - I have always
Tuscanlady - I have always heard that one glass of wine once in a while when you're pregnant is actually a good thing - now of course I'm not suggesting you get loaded but one small glass won't hurt...
My mom told me that she used to crave red wine while pregnant for me...hmm... I wonder if that has anything to do with why I love it so much??
Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin
Will be drinking tonight
Husband took BDs and SD out of town on a camping trip, and I leave for a week-long out-of-town work trip tomorrow am. So I will have a drink tonight when I'm all alone in the house!
I remember saying that not
I remember saying that not too long ago- preggers- good luck! I would love a little captain and coke okay a big one.........oh but alas I will be missing my dinner with my sister tonight as I had planned to be here cause my DHs plans ran late partly cause BM ran late- go fig- someone have one for me too!
There is no reason where logic does not exist
Gave it up
I gave up the lovely consumption of alcohol and havent had a drink since January... but I will stand up and toast each one of you this evening... although be it with kool aid!!!
"I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on ebay."
Did I hear wine???
I'm always lookin for an excuse...
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
Tip one up for me!
I'll be drinking vicariously through you ladies and gentlemen. I'm actually going to a Martini Party tonight, that's fun when you're pregnant
Everyone gets to drink the cool drinks but
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
ooooooooooh Nymph make mine
ooooooooooh Nymph make mine a pineapple Martini.