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Auteur's picture

After an all day flight session, he's "in the army now" and read the "script" for family members to me on the phone about 1:30 a.m. from Texas!!

I'm sure he'll do GREAT!!! I am very proud!! Shows what actual PARENTING can do!! Wink

In other news,(lack of parenting news) His Majesty the royal Prince Hygiene turns nine today!! Yesterday I took time off from work to store a few of Awesomeson's belongings. A bit sad, of course. Then I came upon the last vestages of the too numerous to mention, yet seldom-played-with (TM) toys of PH.

And an old antique school desk for preschoolers I had purchased for PH in the hopes that he'd use it to draw, do school work with (yeah right).

I packed all the remnants of PH in the car to give to the local charity. GG caught a glimpse of the desk and was like "AWWWWW, that's such a NICE piece."

UMMM PH NEVER used it; sat in it maybe once!! He barely fit into it then as all of GG's kids are HUGE for their age (Behemoth genes).

I don't even have a GARAGE to store the mass quantities of tools that GG has, let alone keep a piece of furniture that was never used!!



Auteur's picture

I'm not familiar with the acronomyns he's going into IT training after basic out in Mississippi.

Ommy's picture

sorry, what is his job going to be?

Also if you can the graduation is pretty cool. Plus there are some really cool things to see in Texas.

Rags's picture

Congratulations. Make sure you get to BMT graduation. It is a great weekend for parents and family to celebrate their new Airmen. Please give your son my fondest regards and thanks for his service.

Auteur's picture

March 2nd is graduation so I'll be there with bells on (no GG!) and of course Awesomeson's GF!

He gave me the address to write to him EARLY this morning (like at 1:30 EST) LOL!

Ommy's picture

Please make sure you write him. That is the best getting those letters, speaking from experience it is a shock to not have a phone, internet, or any out side news. My mom wrote me every single day. I had to do a lot of push ups but it was worth it. (Just DONT SEND CARE PACKAGES when he is in basic)

Doubletakex3's picture

ditto to the don't send care packages. In the top 5 most embarrassing moments of my life was when my grandmother sent 6 dozens cookies to me at basic training (bless her heart)... yup, enough for everyone. The drill instructors had a field day with that one.

Auteur's picture

Nope already know about "no care packages, no gum, no treats, just letters" thingy. I told his GF that as well so she won't be making any faux pas!!

DaizyDuke's picture

That is great! How proud you must be! Of course the only place GGs kids will be getting shipped off to is Juvi, so I'm sure his "excitement" was minimal or nil.

Most Evil's picture

Oh gosh!! SO Proud of Awesomeson and You for raising such an awesome son!!!

S*ck it GG!!!! Wink