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Most Excellent Easter Brings on GG Guilt Attack

Auteur's picture

So all of my bios and their spouses/SOs came over for dinner. At first GG just sat quiet in his rocking chair not making conversation when Peg and her hubby were first to arrive.

Then he started talking to them when I left the room. Before you know it the TV was on some funny program and all were laughing hysterically! Then I served dinner and everyone enjoyed it. Awesomeson's GF still has a cold so GG had to pick on her by saying that she gave everyone HER cold. I reminded GG that he blamed ME for originally getting the flu as he thinks that my walking program at the K-5 caused me to get sick I mean it's conceivable, but funny how he doesn't like me walking after work at that school while he is already home. . .hmmmmm.

So of course today, GG feels GUILTY about the good time b/c he knows his own spawn are POS!!Woke up on the "wrong side of the bed" for sure. He keeps looking on his email acct everyday for signs of Brainiac correspondence. NOPE!

Interesting to note that Brainiac has added himself back as a friend of the Snuffleupagus on FB!! (his stepdad) HMMMM! Of course I can't tell GG that as he doesn't want me on FB period!! I'm sure he's holding out hope for his darling manipulative princess, VD (12) this upcoming Monday!


Most Evil's picture

Hey I am glad you had a good holiday at least. And who died and made him the Facebook sheriff??!!!

Auteur's picture

I agree that FB can be misused but talk about PARANOID. He's so worried that I'll find DIRT on his beloved "previously enjoyed family" or that I'll have an online affair.

Hey if you're treating your woman right, you shouldn't have to worry about her having an online affair. JMO.

Auteur's picture

No way! This last experiment has convinced me that I should live with my cats from now on. NEVER AGAIN shall I allow a man to live with me in my own home!!

Ten months of sweet talk and the moment they walk into your house, all bets are OFF!