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Heh Heh Pre-Valentine's Day Boot on Snuffleupagus' Neck Alert!!

Auteur's picture

And the obligatory FB post from the Snuffleupagus just before V day. "My beautiful wife (The Behemoth) is the BEST thing that has happened to me; I don't know what I did before she came along" (has to post this the day BEFORE Vday so the Behemoth will know it's not just an obligatory V day gesture--insert sound of whip cracking)

And all HIS relatives wrote in quipping that the Behemoth herself wrote this post!!

And VD even chimed in saying "B quit, (insert Snuffle's first name)" (this is "VD" for "be quiet") guess it was TOOOOO mushy for VD's tastes!!
****(crickets)****** --waiting for the trollers to tell me I'm stalking the BM and her hubby.--


Auteur's picture

That's what I say!! Free entertainment!! Snuff must be under so much pressure!! I don't envy him!!

hismineandours's picture

I love facebook stalking my ss13's "girlfriend". It's sad really that I get so much entertainment from a misguided, immature 13 year old girl-but I cant believe the things that come out of her mouth. It's amazing. I'm all for free entertainment.

Jsmom's picture

No judgement here on the stalking. I check out SD15 every day. The enemy you know is better than the enemy you don't everytime...

Auteur's picture

Funny, but oddly not what you think. The Behemoth only spreads 'em to drop anchor (aka BREED) nothing funky; just pre-planned preggersville. To do the nasty just for the fun of it would require PAYMENT on Snuffy's part.